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Fachrichtung Chemie und Lebensmittelchemie
Physikalische Chemie, Mess- und Sensortechnik




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Curcumin and graphene oxide incorporating alginate hydrogels as versatile devices for the local treatment of squamous cell carcinoma
L.F. Madeo, P. Sarogni, G. Cirillo, O. Vittorio, V. Voliani, M. Curcio, T. Shai-Hee, B. Büchner, M. Mertig, S. Hampel
Materials 2022, 15, 1648
DOI: 10.3390/ma15051648
Native and Oxidized Starch for Adsorption of Nickel, Iron, and Manganese Ions from Water
R. Boughanmi, K.B.L. Borchert, C. Steinbach, M. Mayer, S. Schwarz, A. Svirepa, J. Schwarz, M. Mertig, D. Schwarz
Polysaccharides 2022, 3, 556
DOI: 10.3390/polysaccharides3030033
DNA origami for biosensor applications
J. Hann, A. Morschhauser, A. Heerwig, J. Erben, D. Reuter, V. Pavlov, M. Lamy de la Chapelle, M. Mertig, T. Otto
Proceedings of 2021 Smart Systems Integration 2021, 73-76
DOI: 10.24406/enas-n-638881
Removal of Lead, Cadmium, and Aluminum Sulfate from Simulated and Real Water with Native and Oxidized Starches
K. Borchert, R. Boughanmi, B. Reis, P. Zimmermann, C. Steinbach, P. Graichen, A. Svirepa, J. Schwarz, R. Boldt, S. Schwarz, M. Mertig, D. Schwarz
Polysaccharides 2021, 2, 429-453
DOI: 10.3390/polysaccharides2020027
Systematic investigations of annealing and functionalization of carbon nanotube yarns
M. Scholz, Y. Hayashi, V. Eckert, V. Khavrus, A. Leonhardt, B. Büchner, M. Mertig, S. Hampel
In: Materials Chemistry of Fullerenes, Graphenes, and Carbon Nanotubes, Eds.: G. Cirillo and L.Y. Chiang, MDPI, Basel, 2021, 91-104, ISBN 978-3-0365-2187-9
CO gas detection on Pt|YSZ|Pt solid electrolyte sensors by methods based on dynamic voltage variations
A. Ruchets, N. Donker, J. Zosel, D. Schönauer-Kamin, R. Moos, U. Guth, M. Mertig
J. Electrochem. Soc. 2021, 168, 117506
DOI: 10.1149/1945-7111/ac2fc5
Stabilitätsuntersuchungen an miniaturisierten Nitratsensoren
M. Brandão Silva de Assis, K. Trommer, A. Kick, J. Schwarz, M. Mertig
Tagungsband 15. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium 2021, 194-198
DOI: 10.5162/15dss2021/P4.4
Impedimetrische Sensoren zur Überwachung von Deichbauwerken
W. Fichtner, M. Mertig, D. Fleischer, U. Helbig
26. Interdisziplinäre Wissenschaftliche Konferenz Mittweida 2021, 25-28
DOI: 10.48446/opus-12301
Monitoring der Sättigungszustände von Deichbauwerken mittels impedimetrischer Sensoren
W. Fichtner, M. Mertig, D. Fleischer, U. Helbig
Tagungsband 15. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium 2021, 105-110
DOI: 10.5162/15dss2021/6.4
Sensorik zur bodenfeuchteabhängigen Saatgutablage
W. Fichtner, P. Zimmermann, D. Horlacher, H.F. Schönleber, M. Mertig
Tagungsband 15. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium 2021, 251-254
DOI: 10.5162/15dss2021/P6.1
Signalverstärkersystem basierend auf der Pheromon-gekoppelten Bildung eines Fluoreszenzproteins in Hefen
A. Kick, J. Lenhart, L.H. Tranelis, J. Döring, M. Patschin, K. Ostermann, M. Mertig
Tagungsband 15. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium 2021, 237-240
DOI: 10.5162/15dss2021/P4.15
Chitosan-modifizierte Sensoren für elektrochemische Anwendungen in Spreewasserproben
A. Svirepa, J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, D. Schwarz, S. Schwarz, M. Mertig
Tagungsband 15. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium 2021, 181-184
DOI: 10.5162/15dss2021/P4.1
Entwicklung eines voltammetrischen In-situ-Sensorsystems zum Nachweis von As(III) und As(V)
J. Weißpflog, K. Trommer, J. Schwarz, M. Mertig
Tagungsband 15. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium 2021, 216-221
DOI: 10.5162/15dss2021/P4.10
Voltammetrische Bestimmung von Schwermetallionen in Umweltproben mit elektrochemischen All-Solid-State-Sensoren
J. Yao, J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, M. Mertig
Tagungsband 15. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium 2021, 222-226
DOI: 10.5162/15dss2021/P4.11
Sensoren für die zukünftige Wasserstoffwirtschaft
J. Zosel, M. Mertig
Tagungsband 15. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium 2021, 14-19
DOI: 10.5162/15dss2021/1.1
Development and test of a highly sensitive and selective hydrogen sensor system
P. Sood, J. Zosel, M. Mertig, W. Oelßner, O. Herrmann, M. Woratz
J. Sens. Sens. Syst. 2020, 9, 309-317
DOI: 10.5194/jsss-9-309-2020
Cyclic and square-wave voltammetry for selective simultaneous NO and O2 gas detection by means of solid electrolyte sensors
A. Ruchets, N. Donker, D. Schönauer-Kamin, R. Moos, U. Guth, M. Mertig
J. Sens. Sens. Syst. 2020, 9, 355–362
DOI: 10.5194/jsss-9-355-2020
Remarkable mechanochromism in blends of a π-conjugated polymer P3TEOT: the role of conformational transitions and aggregation
J. Zessin, M. Schnepf, U. Oertel, T. Beryozkina, T.A.F. König, A. Fery, M. Mertig, A. Kiriy
Advanced Optical Materials 2020, 8, 1901410
DOI: 10.1002/adom.201901410
Systematic investigations of annealing and functionalization of carbon nanotube yarns
M. Scholz, Y. Hayashi, V. Eckert, V. Khavrus, A. Leonhardt, B. Buechner, M. Mertig, S. Hampel
Molecules 2020, 25, 1144
DOI: 10.3390/molecules25051144
Hilfreiche Hefe
C. Schirmer, M. Mertig
LABO 2020, 1, 26-29
Kalziumbestimmung vor Ort
J. Schwarz, A. Svirepa, K. Trommer, M. Mertig
LABO 2020, 1, 12-13
Mobile Wasseranalytik, All-Solid-State-Dickschichtsensoren für potentiometrische Cu2+-Bestimmung
J. Schwarz, A. Svirepa, K. Trommer, M. Mertig
LABO 2020, 4, 24-27
Mobiler Sensor für Nitrat-Detektion
J. Schwarz, A. Svirepa, K. Trommer, M. Mertig
GIT 2020, 7
Elektrochemische All-Solid-State-Dickschicht-Sensoren für die Umweltanalytik
J. Schwarz, A. Svirepa, K. Trommer, M. Mertig
Analytik News - Das Online-Labormagazin 2020
Thermophoretic trap for single amyloid fibril and protein aggregation studies
M. Fränzl, T. Thalheim, J. Adler, D. Huster, J. Posseckardt, M. Mertig, F. Cichos
Nature Methods 2019, 16, pp. 611-614
DOI: 10.1038/s41592-019-0451-6
Portable and low-cost biosensor towards on-site detection of diclofenac in wastewater
C. Schirmer, J. Posseckardt, M. Schröder, M. Gläser, S. Howitz, W. Scharff, M. Mertig
Talanta 2019, 203, pp. 242-247
DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2019.05.058
Selectivity improvement towards hydrogen and oxygen of solid electrolyte sensors by dynamic electrochemical methods
A. Ruchets, N. Donker, D. Schönauer-Kamin, R. Moos, J. Zosel, U. Guth, M. Mertig
Sensor. Actuat. B-Chem. 2019, 250, pp. 53-58
DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2019.03.063
Molecular doping of a water-soluble polythiophene derivative
J. Zessin, E. Bittrich, J. Zessin, M. Malanin, J. Posseckardt, B. Voit, K.-J. Eichhorn, A. Kiriy, M. Mertig
Phys. Status Solidi A 2019, 216, 1800772
DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201800772
DNA origami ring structures as construction element of self-thermophoretic swimmers
A. Heerwig, M. Schubel, C. Schirmer, A, Herms, F. Cichos, M. Mertig
Phys. Status Solidi A 2019, 216, 1800775
DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201800775
Magnesium Dependent Electrical Actuation and Stability of DNA Origami Rods
F. Kroener, L. Traxler, A. Heerwig, U. Rant, M. Mertig
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, pp. 2295-2301
DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b18611
Parameter dependency of DNA origami immobilization at micro- and nano structured CF polymer surfaces on SiO2
J. Hann, C. Helke, M. Lakatos, A. Heerwig, J. Nestler,J.-W. Erben, D. Reuter, M. Mertig, T. Otto
Mater. Today-Proc. 2019, 7, pp. 844-854
DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2018.12.083
Architecture and Advanced Electronics Pathways Towards Highly Adaptive Energy-Efficient Computing
G. Fettweis, M. Dörpinghaus, J. Castrillon, A. Kumar, C. Baier, K. Bock, F. Ellinger, A. Fery, F.H.P. Fitzek, H. Härtig, K. Jamshidi, T. Kissinger, W. Lehner, M. Mertig, W.E. Nagel, G.T. Nguyen, D. Plettemeier, M. Schröter, T. Strufe
PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE 2019, 107, pp. 204-231
DOI: 10.1109/JPROC.2018.2874895
Investigation of the surface properties of different highly aligned N-MWCNT carpets
V. Eckert, E. Haubold, S. Oswald, S. Michel, C. Bellmann, P. Potapov, D. Wolf, S. Hampel, B. Büchner, M. Mertig, A. Leonhardt
Carbon 2019, 141, pp. 99-106
DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2018.09.035
All-solid-state ion-selective electrodes based on graphite paste for determination of calcium(II) and nitrate
J. Schwarz, U. Enseleit, K. Trommer, M. Mertig
International Journal of Chemistry 2019, 11, pp. 156-163
DOI: 10.5539/ijc.v11n2p156
Nitratbestimmung in Trink- und Brunnenwässern mit ionenselektiven All-Solid-State-Elektroden auf Basis von Graphitpaste
J. Schwarz, U. Enseleit, K. Trommer, M. Mertig
Labo-Analytik 2019, Labortechnik, Life Science
Highly sensitive coulometric titration of oxygen for the characterization of solid materials at elevated temperatures
A. Herms, J. Yao, J. Zosel, V. Vashook, W. Oelßner, M. Mertig
J. Sens. Sens. Syst. 2018, 7, pp. 621-625
DOI: 10.5194/jsss-7-621-2018
A microfluidic biosensor with inclosed genetically modified yeast cells
C. Schirmer, J. Posseckardt, A. Kick, K. Rebatschek, W. Fichtner, K. Ostermann, A. Schuller, G. Rödel, M. Mertig
Journal of Biotechnology 2018, 284, pp. 75-83
DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2018.08.003
Resistance-heating of carbon nanotube yarns in different atmospheres
M. Scholz, , Y. Hayashi, V. Khavrus, D. Chujo, H. Inoue, M. Hada, A. Leonhardt, B. Büchner, S. Hampel
Carbon 2018, 133, pp. 232-238
DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2018.03.022
Morphology of MWCNT in dependence on N-doping, synthesized using a sublimation-based CVD method at 750 °C
V. Eckert, A. Leonhardt, S. Hampel, B. Büchner
Diam. Relat. Mater. 2018, 86, pp. 8-14
DOI: 10.1016/j.diamond.2018.04.004
Fe1-xNix Alloy Nanoparticles Encapsulated inside Carbon Nanotubes: Controlled Synthesis, Structure and Magnetic Properties
R. Ghunaim, C. Damm, D. Wolf, A. Lubk, B. Buechner, M. Mertig, S. Hampel
Nanomaterials 2018, 8, 576
DOI: 10.3390/nano8080576
All-Solid-State Screen-Printed Sensors for Potentiometric Calcium(II) Determinations in Environmental Samples
J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, F. Gerlach, M. Mertig
American Journal of Analytical Chemistry 2018, 9, pp. 113-123
DOI: 10.4236/ajac.2018.93010
Solid-contact ion-selective electrodes based on graphite paste for potentiometric nitrate and ammonium determinations
J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, M. Mertig
American Journal of Analytical Chemistry 2018, 9, pp. 591-601
DOI: 10.4236/ajac.2018.912043
Вашук В.В., Цозел Й., Шельтер М., Шперлинг Е., Поссекардт Ю., Василечко Л.О., Мацукевич И.В., Крутько Н.П., Гут У., Мертиг М.
Электрохимия (Electrochemistry) in Russian 2018, 54(12), pp. 1124-1134
DOI: 10.1134/S0424857018140116
Folding DNA origami nanolevers from differently prepared scaffold strands
A. Heerwig, J. Lenhart, F. Kröner, U. Rant, M. Mertig
Physica Status Solidi A 2018 1700907
DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201700907
Microbial electrochemical sensors for anaerobic digestion process control - performance of electroactive biofilms under real conditions
J. Kretzschmar, P. Böhme, J. Liebetrau, M. Mertig, F. Harnisch
Chem. Eng. Technol. 2018, 41(4), pp. 687-695
DOI: 10.1002/ceat.201700539
Single-crystalline FeCo nanoparticles inside carbon nanotubes: synthesis, structural and magnetic properties
R. Ghunaim, M. Scholz, C. Damm, B. Rellinghaus, R. Klingeler, B. Büchner, M. Mertig, S. Hampel
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, pp. 1024-1034
DOI: 10.3762/bjnano.9.95
Carbon nanotube-assisted synthesis of ferromagnetic Heusler nanoparticles of Fe3Ga (Nano-Galfenol)
R. Ghunaim, V. Eckert, M. Scholz, M. Gellesch, C. Damm, B. Büchner, M. Mertig, S. Hampel
J. Mater. Chem. C 2018, 6, pp. 1255-1263
DOI: 10.1039/C7TC04618A
Monitoring of Saccharomyces cerevisiae viability by non-Faradaic impedance spectroscopy using interdigitated screen-printed platinum electrodes
J. Posseckardt, C. Schirmer, A. Kick, K. Rebatschek, T. Lamz, M. Mertig
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2018, 255(3), pp. 3417-3424
DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2017.09.171
Optischer Ganzzellsensor zur Überwachung von Arzneimittelrückständen in Wasser
W. Fichtner, J. Posseckardt, C. Schirmer, M. Mertig I. Tobehn-Steinhäuser A. Schuller, G. Rödel, K. Ostermann P. Zimmermann
Scientific Reports (2018), Messtechnische Überwachung von Stauanlagen 2018, 1, ISSN 1437-7624
Conference Booklet of the 11th International Workshop of Engineering of Functional Interfaces
A. Herms, A. Heerwig, M. Mertig (Editors)
Leucorea, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, 01. - 03. July 2018
Highly sensitive coulometric titration of oxygen for the characterization of solid materials at elevated temperatures
A. Herms, J. Yao, J. Zosel, V. Vashook, W. Oelßner, M. Mertig
Tagungsband 19. ITG/GMA-Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme 2018, 570-573, ISBN 978-3-8007-4683-5
Dynamic methods for solid electrolyte sensors
A. Ruchets, N. Donker, D. Schönauer-Kamin, R. Moos, J. Zosel, M. Mertig
Proceedings 17. Int. Meeting on Chemical Sensors, IMCS 2018, 707-708, ISBN 978-3-8007-4683-5
DOI: 10.5162/IMCS2018/P2EC.3
Oxygen solid electrolyte coulometry: Chances, challenges and new approaches
J. Zosel, A. Herms, M. Schelter, V. Vashook, U. Guth, M. Mertig
Proceedings 17. Int. Meeting on Chemical Sensors, IMCS 2018, 397-398, ISBN 978-3-8007-4683-5
DOI: 10.5162/IMCS2018/SE.2
Nitrat - ein (nicht) gelöstes Problem? Potentiometrische Nitratbestimmung in Umweltproben mit All-Solid-State-Elektroden
J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, M. Mertig
GIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift 2018, 3, 35-37
Potentiometrische All-Solid-State-Elektroden-Nitratbestimmung in Trinkwasserproben
J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, M. Mertig
CHEMIEXTRA 2018, 9, 10-11
Überwachung von Fettsäuren in Biogasprozessen – Neue Entwicklungen für die Online-Messung
J. Zosel, M. Schelter, M. Schlegel, J. Kretzschmar, K. Ostermann, G. Rödel, K. Hahne, J. Posseckardt, C. Schirmer, M. Mertig
Proceedings 13. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium 2017, 83-88
DOI: 10.5162/13dss2017/2.5
Autarke multiparametrische Monitoring-Systeme für die Biogasproduktion zur Optimierung ihrer Leistungsparameter
M. Tietze, K. Hahne, S. Götze, K. Ostermann, G. Rödel, L. Birkeneder, J. Zosel, J. Posseckardt, C. Schirmer, M. Mertig, S. Howitz
Proceedings 13. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium 2017, 157-160
DOI: 10.5162/13dss2017/5.5
Hochintegrierte Ganzzellsensoren für die Umwelt- und Medizintechnik
M. Schröder, M. Gläser, C. Schirmer, J. Posseckardt, W. Fichtner, M. Mertig,, I. Tobehn-Steinhäuser, S. Herbst, M. Schädel, H. Wünscher, T. Ortlepp, A. Winzer, M. Günther, F. Altenkirch, M. Wenzel, A. Schuller, G. Rödel, K. Ostermann, U. Soltmann, H. Haufe, W. Scharff
Proceedings 13. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium 2017, 148-152
DOI: 10.5162/13dss2017/5.2
Kombinierter optisch-impedimetrischer Ganzzellbiosensor
M. Günther, G. Gerlach, C. Schirmer, J. Posseckardt, W. Fichtner, M. Mertig, F. Altenkirch, K. Ostermann, A. Schuller, G. Rödel, A. T. Winzer, I. Tobehn-Steinhäuser, M. Schröder, W. Scharff, P. Zimmermann
Proceedings 13. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium 2017, 120-125
DOI: 10.5162/13dss2017/3.7
Tunable Fluorescence of a Semiconducting Polythiophene Positioned on DNA Origami
J. Zessin, F. Fischer, A. Heerwig, A. Kick, S. Boye, M. Stamm, A. Kiriy, M. Mertig
Nano Letters 2017, 17(8), pp. 5163 - 5170
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b02623
Electrical actuation of a DNA origami nanolever on an electrode
F. Kröner, A. Heerwig, W. Kaiser, M. Mertig, U. Rant
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139(46), pp. 16510 - 16513
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.7b10862
Preparation of new composite ceramics based on gadolinium-doped ceria and magnesia nanoparticles
J. Yao, M. Schelter, J. Zosel, W. Oelßner, M. Mertig
Physica Status Solidi A 2017, 214, 9, 1700024
DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201700024
Concept, synthesis and structural characterization of DNA origami based self-thermophoretic nanoswimmers
A. Herms, K. Günther, E. Sperling, A. Heerwig, A. Kick, F. Cichos, M. Mertig
Physica Status Solidi A 2017, 214, 9, 1600957
DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201600957
Double-layer capacitance of pH-sensitive self-assembled thiol layers on gold determined by electrical impedance spectroscopy in a microfluidic channel
A. Kleppisius, A. Kick, M. Mertig
Physica Status Solidi A 2017, 214, 9, 1600921
DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201600921
Selective immobilization of 6HB and Tablet DNA origami Templates on microstructured surfaces by DLC and CF-polymer contrasting suitable for microfluidic integration
J. Hann, C. Helke, F. Fischer, M. Lakatos, A. Heerwig, J. Nestler, M. Mertig, T. Gessner
Materials Today: Proceedings 2017, 4, 7, pp. 7114 – 7121
DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2017.08.005
Umweltanalytik mit elektrochemischen Sensoren: Analysatoren für die Bestimmung von Schwermetallionen
J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, M. Mertig
GIT - Laborfachzeitschrift, 2017, 1, pp. 35 - 37
Tailored nanoparticles and wires of Sn, Ge and Pb inside carbon nanotubes
M. Haft, M. Grönke, M. Gellesch, S. Wurmehl, B. Büchner, M. Mertig, S. Hampel
Carbon, 2016, 101, pp. 352 - 360
DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2016.01.098
Electrolyte related parameters of coulometric solid state devices
M. Schelter, J. Zosel, V. Vashook, U. Guth, M. Mertig
Solid State Ionics, 2016, 288, pp. 266 - 270
DOI: 10.1016/j.ssi.2016.01.020
A Microbial Biosensor Platform for Inline Quantification of Acetate in Anaerobic Digestion: Potential and Challenges
J. Kretzschmar, L. F. M. Rosa, J. Zosel, M. Mertig, J. Liebetrau, F. Harnisch
Chem. Eng. Technol., 2016, 39, pp. 637 - 642
DOI: 10.1002/ceat.201500406
Mobility of a supported lipid bilayer on dispersed single-walled carbon nanotubes
J. Posseckardt, J. Zhang, M. Mertig
Physica Status Solidi A, 2016, 213, pp. 1427 - 1433
DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201533084
Nanocomposite ceramics based on Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 and MgO
V. Vashook, J. Zosel, E. Sperling, K. Ahlborn, F. Gerlach, W. Fichtner, M. Schelter, U. Guth, M. Mertig
Solid State Ionics, 2016, 288, pp. 98 - 102
DOI: 10.1016/j.ssi.2016.01.033
Competitive impact of nanotubes assembly and contact electrodes on the performance of CNT-based FETs
M. Toader, S. Hermann, L. Scharfenberg, M. Hartmann, M. Mertig, S. E. Schulz, T. Gessner
J. Phys. Chem. C, 2016, 120, pp. 10020 - 10026
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b11346
Thermo-osmotic flow in thin films
A.P. Bregulla, A. Würger, K. Günther, M. Mertig, F. Cichos
Physical Review Letters, 2016, 116, pp. 188303-1 - 188303-5
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.188303
Dielectrophoresis of Gold Nanoparticles conjugated to DNA Origami Structures
A. Henning-Knechtel, M. Wiens, M. Lakatos, A. Heerwig, F. Ostermaier, N. Haufe, M. Mertig
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol., 2016, 7, pp. 948 - 956
DOI: 10.3762/bjnano.7.87
Novel screen-printed all-solid-state copper(II)-selective electrode for mobile environmental analysis
J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, M. Mertig
American Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2016, 7, pp. 525 - 532
DOI: 10.4236/ajac.2016.77048
Enhancement of carbon nanotube FET performance via direct synthesis of poly (sodium 4-styrenesulfonate) in the transistor channel
M. Toader , R. Schubel, M. Hartmann, L. Scharfenberg, R. Jordan, M. Mertig, S. E. Schulz, T. Gessner, S. Hermann
Chemical Physics Letters, 2016, 661, pp. 1 - 5
DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2016.07.049
Methods to characterize the oligonucleotide functionalization of quantum dots
R. Weichelt, S. Leubner, A. Henning-Knechtel, M. Mertig, N. Gaponik, T.-L. Schmidt, A. Eychmüller
Small, 2016, 12, pp. 4763 - 4771
DOI: 10.1002/smll.201601525
Supercontinuum generation in naturally occurring glass sponges spicules
H. Ehrlich, M. Maldonado, A. R. Parker, Y. N. Kulchin, J. Schilling, B. Köhler, U. Skrzypczak, P. Simon, H. M. Reiswig, M. V. Tsurkan, E. Brunner, S. S. Voznesenskiy, A. V. Bezverbny, S. S. Golik, I. G. Nagorny, D. V. Vyalikh, A. A. Makarova, S. L. Molodtsov, K. Kummer, M. Mertig, C. Erler, D. V. Kurek, V. V. Bazhenov, F. Natalio, A. E. Kovalev, S. N. Gorb, A. L. Stelling, J. Heitmann, R. Born, D.C. Meyer, K. R. Tabachnick
Advanced Optical Materials 2016, 4, pp. 1608 - 1613
DOI: 10.1002/adom.201600454
Highly selective solid electrolyte sensor for the analysis of gaseous mixtures
M. Schelter, J. Zosel, W. Oelßner, U. Guth, M. Mertig
Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems, 2016, 5, pp. 319 - 324
DOI: 10.5194/jsss-5-319-2016
Thermophoretic trapping and manipulation of single molecules
M. Braun, T. Thalheim, K. Günther, M. Mertig, F. Cichos
Proc. SPIE 9922, Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation XIII, 2016, 99220Z
DOI: 10.1117/12.2239481
Electroactive biofilms as sensor for volatile fatty acids: Cross sensitivity, response dynamics, latency and stability
J. Kretzschmar, C. Koch, J. Liebetrau, M. Mertig, F. Harnisch
Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 2016, 241, pp. 466 - 472
DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2016.10.097
Studies towards the Influence of Syntans on the Assembly of Collagen
J. Ammenn, F. Fischer, N. Haufe, M. Mertig
In: Proceedings of the XXXIII International Congress of IULTCS , 2015, Novo Hamburgo, Brazil, pp. 82, ISSN 0103-5827
Single Molecules Trapped by Dynamic Inhomogeneous Temperature Fields
M. Braun, A.P. Bregulla, K. Günther, M. Mertig, F. Cichos
Nano Letters, 2015, 15(8), pp. 5499-5505
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b01999
Hot Brownian motion and photophoretic self-propulsion
R. Schachoff, M. Selmke, A. Bregulla, F. Cichos, D. Rings, D. Chakraborty, K. Kroy, K. Günther, A. Henning-Knechtel, E. Sperling, M. Mertig
diffusion-fundamentals.org, 2015, 23(1), pp. 1-19
DNA under confinement and the use of DNA as confinement
H. Brutzer, E. Sperling, K. Günther, J. Dikic, F. Schwarz, D. Klaue, F. Cichos, M. Mertig, R. Seidel
diffusion-fundamentals.org, 2015, 23(2), pp. 1-16
Graphene oxide - gelatin nanohybrids as functional tools for enhanced carboplatin activity in neuroblastoma cells
S. Makharza, O. Vittorio, G. Cirillo, S. Oswald, M. Kavallaris, B. Büchner, M. Mertig, S. Hampel
Pharmaceutical Research, 2015, 32, pp. 2132-2143
DOI: 10.1007/s11095-014-1604-z
Elektrochemische Sensoren für die mobile Vor-Ort-Umweltanalytik
J. Schwarz, M. Mertig
Transferbrief Leipzig, 2015, 1/2015, 6
Soft-lithographically fabricated nanofluidic channels for single-DNA measurements
E. Sperling, M. Hohlfeld, M. Mertig
Physica Status Solidi A, 2015, 212(6), pp. 1229-1233
DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201431915
Semiconducting enrichment of arc discharge single-walled carbon nanotubes by density gradient ultracentrifugation
L. Scharfenberg, M. Mertig
Physica Status Solidi A,, 2015, 212(6), pp. 1395-1398
DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201431771
Application of impedance spectroscopy to detect the binding of biomolecules to biohybrid hydrogels
J. Posseckardt, M. Mertig
Physica Status Solidi A, 2015, 212(6), pp. 1342-1346
DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201431895
Investigating the aggregation behaviour of DNA origami frames
F. Fischer, A. Henning-Knechtel, M. Mertig
Physica Status Solidi A, 2015, 212(6), pp. 1375-1381
DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201431931
Insight into bio-metal interface formation in vacuo: Interplay of S-layer protein with copper and iron
A.A. Makarova, E.V. Grachova, V. S. Neudachina, L.V. Yashina, A. Blüher, S.L. Molodtsov, M. Mertig, H. Ehrlich, V.K. Adamchuk, C. Laubschat, D.V. Vyalikh
Nature Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, article 8710
DOI: 10.1038/srep08710
From 2D to 1D functionalization: Steps towards a carbon nanotube based biomembrane sensor for curvature sensitive proteins
F. Ostermaier, L. Scharfenberg, K. Schneider, S. Henning, K. Ostermann, J. Posseckardt, G. Rödel, M. Mertig
Physica Status Solidi A, 2015, 212(6), pp. 1389-1394
DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201431723
Characterization of pH-sensitive polymer layers by surface plasmon resonance and quartz crystal microbalance
A. Kick, M. Mertig
Physica Status Solidi A, 2015, 212(6), pp. 1249-1253
DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201431604
Extraction and long-term storage of S-layer proteins and flagella from Lysinibacillus sphaericus NCTC 9602 as building blocks for nanotechnological applications
A. Blüher, K. Ostermann, P. Jäckel, A. Clemens, B. Katzschner, G. Rödel, M. Mertig
Engineering in Life Sciences, 2015, 15(4), pp. 410-415
DOI: 10.1002/elsc.201400182
Hydrogen production by Rhodobacter sphaeroides DSM 158 under intense irradiation
F. Krujatz, P. Härtel, K. Helbig, N. Haufe, S. Thierfelder, T. Bley, J. Weber
Bioresource Technology, 2015, 175, pp. 82-90
DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2014.10.061
Unobtrusive and comprehensive health screening using an intelligent toilet system
Th. Schlebusch, W. Fichtner, M. Mertig, S. Leonhard
Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik, 2015, 60(1), pp. 17-29
DOI: 10.1515/bmt-2013-0140
Investigations of mussel-inspired polydopamine deposition on WC and Al2O3 particles: The influence of particle size and material
G. Mondin, M. Haft, F. M. Wisser, A. Leifert, N. M. Noriega, S. Dörfler, S. Hampel, J. Grothe, S. Kaskel
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2014, 148(3), pp. 624-630
DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2014.08.027
Biotechnological hydrogen production by photosynthesis
J. Weber, F. Krujatz, G. Hilpmann, S. Grützner, K. Helbig, J. Herrmann, G. Bienert, S. Thierfelder, R. Illing, A. Hurtado, E. Günther, M. Mertig, R. Lange, G. Cuniberti, J. Opitz, W. Lippmann, T. Bley, N. Haufe
Engineering in Life Sciences, 2014, 14(6), pp. 592-606
A novel principle for measuring dissolved gases in liquids
M. Schelter, J. Zosel, W. Oelßner, M. Mertig
SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, 2014, 193, pp. 113-120
DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2013.11.070
Ionenselektive Dickschichtelektroden für die Umweltanalytik
J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, M. Mertig
GIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift, 2014, 3, pp. 53-55
A solid electrolyte sensor for trace gas analysis
M. Schelter, J. Zosel, W. Oelßner, U. Guth, M. Mertig
SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, 2013, 187, pp. 209-214
DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2012.10.111
Bio-Nanomaterials: Designing materials inspired by nature
W. Pompe, G. Rödel, H.-J. Weiss, M. Mertig
WILEY-VCH, 2013, ISBN: 978-3-527-41015-6
Sorting of CVD-grown single-walled carbon nanotubes by means of gel permeation chromatography
F. Ostermaier, M. Mertig
Physica Status Solidi, 2013, 250, pp. 2564-2568
DOI: 10.1002/pssb.201300080
Surface plasmon resonance-based DNA microarrays: Comparison of thiol and phosphorothioate modified oligonucleotides
K.L. Jiménez-Monroy, A. Kick, K. Eersels, B. van Grinsven, P. Wagner, M. Mertig
Physica Status Solidi (a), 2013, 210, pp. 918-925
DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201200969
Entwicklung eines kompakten faseroptischen Oberflächenplasmonenresonanzsensors
T. Schuster, C. G. Schäffer, M. Mertig, D. Plettemeier
tm - Technisches Messen, 80 (7-8), 2013, S. 221-228
DOI: 10.1524/teme.2013.0028
Entwicklung eines Sensors zur spezifischen Proteindetektion am Beispiel von Norovirus-Kapsidprotein
S. Päßler , W. Vonau, M. Mertig, A. Henseleit, P. Quenzel, E. Boschke, A. Lange, K. Jäger, J. Rohayem, A. Pohl, J. Opitz, N. Haufe
tm - Technisches Messen, 80 (5), 2013, S. 155-161
DOI: 10.1524/teme.2013.0025
Umweltanalytik mit potentiometrischen Elektroden - Ca2+-selektive All-Solid-State-Dickschichtelektroden
J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, M. Richter, M.Mertig
GIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift, 1/2013, 2013, S. 29-31
Studies towards the Influence of Syntans on the Assembly of Collagen
J. Ammenn, F. Fischer, N. Haufe, M. Mertig
Journal of AQEIC, 2013, 64, pp. 1 - 3
EGNAS: An exhaustive DNA sequence design algorithm
A. Kick, M. Bönsch, M. Mertig
DOI: 10.1186/1471-2105-13-138
Study on the influence of polyphenols on collagen assembly and tanning of hide powder
N. Haufe, J. Ammenn, V. Bach, G. Scherr, M. Schröpfer, M. Mertig
In: 5th Freiberg Collagen Symposium, 2012, Freiberg, Deutschland
Nanopatterning and Self-Assembly in Microsystems - an Overview
W.-J. Fischer, M. Mertig
In: Gerald Gerlach, Klaus-Jürgen Wolter (Eds.): Bio and Nano Packaging Techniques for Electron Devices, 2012, Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer-Verlag 2012, S. 179-208
Biosensing with Optical Waveguides
T. Schuster, R. Landgraf, A. Finn, M. Mertig
In: Gerald Gerlach, Klaus-Jürgen Wolter (Eds.): Bio and Nano Packaging Techniques for Electron Devices, 2012, Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer-Verlag 2012, S. 557-579
Self-Assembly of Nanowire-Based Field-Effect Transistors
J. Posseckardt, Michael Mertig
In: Gerald Gerlach, Klaus-Jürgen Wolter (Eds.): Bio and Nano Packaging Techniques for Electron Devices, 2012, Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer-Verlag 2012, S. 319-334
Self-assembly of DNA nanotubes with controllable diameters
O. I. Wilner, R. Orbach, A. Henning, C. Teller, O. Yehezkeli, M. Mertig, D. Harries, I. Willner
DOI: 10.1038/ncomms1535
DNA-Sequenzauswahl und ihr Einfluss auf die Hybridisierung auf SPR-Mikroarrays
A. Kick, M. Mertig
In: 10. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, Dresden, 05. - 07. Dezember 2011, 2011, pp. 359-362
ISBN: 978-3-942710-53-4
Entwicklung polymerbeschichteter DNA-Chip-Oberflächen für enzymatisch unterstützte Genotypisierungen
C. Hiller, A. Kick, B. Katzschner, M. Müller, M. Bönsch, J. Voigt, D. Appelhans, W. Brabetz, M. Jung, M. Mertig
In: 10. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, Dresden, 05. - 07. Dezember 2011, 2011, pp. 355-358
ISBN: 978-3-942710-53-4
Formation of Tubes during Self-Assembly of Bacterial Surface Layers
M. Bobeth, A. Blecha, A. Blüher, M. Mertig, N. Korkmaz, K. Ostermann, G. Rödel, W. Pompe
LANGMUIR, 2011, 27, pp. 15102-15111
DOI: 10.1021/la203430q
Studies on Assembly and De-assembly of Collagen
J. Ammenn, V. Bach, N. Haufe, D. Naumburger, M. Mertig
WORLD LEATHER, 2011, 24, pp. 62-63
SPR-Technologie zur Multi-Parameter-Analyse auf polymeren Chips
N. Danz, A. Kick, F. Sonntag, S. Schmieder, M. Mertig, U. Klotzbach
In: Mikrosystemtechnik, Kongress, Darmstadt, 10. - 12. Oktober, 2011
Analysis of the fluctuations of a single-tethered, quantum-dot labeled DNA molecule in shear flow
K. Laube, K. Günther and M. Mertig
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONDENSED MATTER, 2011, 23, pp. 184119-184128
DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/23/18/184119
Surface plasmon resonance platform technology for multi parameter analyses on polymer chips
N. Danz, A. Kick, F. Sonntag, S. Schmieder, B. Höfer, U. Klotzbach, M. Mertig
ENGINEERING IN LIFE SCIENCES, 2011, 11, pp. 566-572
DOI: 10.1002/elsc.201000192
PH- and salt-dependent molecular combing of DNA: experiments and phenomenological model
A. Benke, M. Mertig, W. Pompe
NANOTECHNOLOGY, 2011, 22, pp. 35304
DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/22/3/035304
Real-time study of the modification of the peptide bond by atomic calcium
K. Kummer, D.V. Vyalikh, V.V. Maslyuk, A. Blüher, V. Sivkov, T. Bredow, I. Mertig, M. Mertig, S.L. Molodtzov
J. PHYS. CHEM. B, 2011, 115 (10), pp. 2401-2407
DOI: 10.1021/jp109555j
Diffusion and Electrophoretic Transport of DNA Polymers in Microfluidic Channels Made of PDMS
R. Sczech, S. Howitz, M. Mertig
Defect and Diffusion Forum, 2011, 312-315, pp. 1091-1096
DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/DDF.312-315.1091
Mineralization of the metre-long biosilica structures of glass sponges is templated on hydroxylated collagen
H. Ehrlich, R. Deutzmann, E. Brunner, E. Cappellini, H. Koon, C. Solazzo, Y. Yang, D. Ashford, J. Thomas-Oates, M. Lubeck, C. Baessmann, T. Langrock, R. Hoffmann, G. Wörheide, J. Reitner, P. Simon, M. Tsurkan, A. V. Ereskovsky, D. Kurek, V. V. Bazhenov, S. Hunoldt, M. Mertig, D. V. Vyalikh, S. L. Molodtsov, K. Kummer, H. Worch, V. Smetacek and M. J. Collins
NATURE CHEMISTRY, 2010, 2, pp. 1084-1088
DOI: 10.1038/NCHEM.899
Rapid detection of DNA hybridization on surface plasmon resonance based microarrays
A. Kick, M. Bönsch, M. Mertig, A. Herr, W. Brabetz, M. Jung, F. Sonntag
In: Sensors, IEEE, 2010, pp. 1636 -1639
ISBN: 9781424481682
Conformational Fluctuations of Single-Tethered DNA Duplexes in and without Applied Shear Flow
K. Günther, K. Laube, I. Sen and M. Mertig
INT. J. OF HEAT AND TECHNOLOGY, 2010, 28, 1, pp. 75-82
Improved sorting of carbon nanotubes according to electronic type by density gradient ultracentrifugation
J. Posseckardt, Y. Battie, R. Fleurier, J.-S. Lauret, A. Loiseau, O. Jost and M. Mertig
PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B, 2010, 247 (11-12), pp. 2687-2690
DOI: 10.1002/pssb.201000193
DNA microarrays for hybridisation detection by surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy
A. Kick, M. Boensch, B. Katzschner, J. Voigt, A. Herr, W. Brabetz, M. Jung, F. Sonntag, U. Klotzbach, N. Danz, S. Howitz and M. Mertig
BIOSENSORS AND BIOELECTRONICS, 2010, 26, pp. 1543-1547
DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2010.07.108
Mechanical and structural properties of YOYO-1 complexed DNA
K. Günther, M. Mertig and R. Seidel
NUCLEIC ACID RESEARCH, 2010, 38, pp. 6526-6532
DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkq434
Electronic structure of genomic DNA: A combined photoemission and X-ray absorption study
K. Kummer, D. V. Vyalikh, G. Gavrila, A. B. Preobrajenski, A. Kick, M. Boensch, M. Mertig and S. L. Molodtsov
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, 2010, 114 (29), pp. 9645-9652
DOI: 10.1021/jp1013237
Molecular designed biological coating - Intelligente Beschichtungen
G. Rödel, K. Ostermann, W. Pompe, M. Mertig and G. Cuniberti
DRESDNER TRANSFERBRIEF, 2010, 1, pp. 12-13
Link: DTB 1.10
X-ray damage in protein-metal hybrid structures: a photoemission electron microscopy study
A. Kade, K. Kummer, D. V. Vyalikh, S. Danzenbaecher, A. Blueher, M. Mertig, A. Lanzara, A. Scholl, A. Doran and S. L. Molodtsov
THE JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, 2010, 114 (24), pp. 8284-8289
DOI: 10.1021/jp1040585
Photopatternable films of block copolymers prepared through double-click reaction
J. Stadermann, M. Erber, H. Komber, J. Brandt, K.-J. Eichhorn, M. Boensch, M. Mertig and B. Voit
MACROMOLECULES, 2010, 43 (7), pp. 3136-3140
DOI: 10.1021/ma100109t
Dielectrophoretic growth of metallic nanowires and microwires: theory and experiments
N. Ranjan, M. Mertig, G. Cuniberti, W. Pompe
LANGMUIR, 2010, 26 (1), pp. 552-559
DOI: 10.1021/la902026e
DNAzyme Activity of Hemin/Telomeric G-Quadruplexes for the Optical Analysis of Telomerase and its Inhibitors
R. Freeman, E. Sharon, C. Teller, A. Henning, Y. Tzfati, I. Willner
CHEMBIOCHEM, 2010, 11 (7), pp. 2325
DOI: 10.1002/cbic.201000512
Covalently linked DNA Nanotubes
O. I. Wilner, A. Henning, B. Shlyahovsky, I. Willner
NANO LETT, 2010, 10 (4), pp. 1458-1465
DOI: 10.1021/nl100389v
Ion-induced DNAzyme switches
S. Shimron, J. Elbaz, A. Henning, I. Willner
CHEM COMMUN, 2010, 46 (19), pp. 3250-3252
DOI: 10.1039/B926003J
Dielectrophoresis of DNA: Quantification by impedance measurements
A. Henning, F. F. Bier, R. Hölzel
BIOMICROFLUIDICS, 2010, 4, pp. 3250-3252
DOI: 10.1063/1.3430550
Shear-flow mediated changes in DNA morphology
K. Günther, K. Laube, M. Mertig
A novel platform technology for the detection of genetic variations by surface plasmon resonance
M. Mertig, A. Kick, M. Boensch, B. Katzschner, J. Voigt, F. Sonntag, N. Schilling, U. Klotzbach, N. Danz, S. Begemann, A. Herr, M. Jung
SENSORS, 2009 IEEE , 2009, pp. 392-395
DOI: 10.1109/ICSENS.2009.5398247
Film bulk acoustic resonators for DNA and protein detection and investigation of in vitro bacterial S-layer formation
M. Nirschl, A. Blueher, Ch. Erler, B. Katzschner, V. Vikholm-Lundin, S. Auer, J. Voeroes, W. Pompe, M. Schreiter and M. Mertig
SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL, 2009, 156, pp. 180-184
DOI: 10.1016/j.sna.2009.02.021
SPR-basierte DNA-Mikroarrays
A. Kick, M. Bönsch, S. Begemann, F. Sonntag, N. Schilling, J. Voigt, B. Katzschner, A. Herr, N. Danz, S. Howitz, U. Klotzbach, M. Jung, W. Brabetz, M. Mertig
In: 9. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium: 07. - 09. Dezember, 2009 pp. 183-186
ISBN: 9783941298446
Oscillator strength of the peptide bond pi{*} resonances at all relevant x-ray absorption edges
K. Kummer, V. N. Sivkov, D. V. Vyalikh, V. V. Maslyuk, A. Blueher, S. V. Nekipelov, T. Bredow, I. Mertig, M. Mertig and S. L. Molodtsov
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.80.155433
Catalytic carbon monoxide oxidation using bio-templated platinum clusters
R. Huettl, F. Ullrich, G. Wolf, A. Kirchner, P. Loethman, B. Katzschner, W. Pompe, M. Mertig
CATALYSIS LETTERS, 2009, 132 pp. 383-388
DOI: 10.1007/s10562-009-0120-y
Photo-induced synthesis of DNA-templated metallic nanowires and their integration into micro-fabricated contact arrays
Ch. Erler, K. Guenther and M. Mertig
APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2009, 255 pp. 9647-9651
DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2009.04.127
Controlling structural properties of self-assembled oligonucleotide-mercaptohexanol monolayers
A. Kick, M. Boensch, K. Kummer, D. V. Vyalikh, S. L. Molodtsov and M. Mertig
DOI: 10.1016/j.elspec.2009.04.002
Toward dense biotemplated magnetic nanoparticle arrays: probing the particle-template interaction
U. Queitsch, Ch. Hamann, F. Schaeffel, B. Rellinghaus, L. Schultz, A. Blueher and M. Mertig
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 2009, 113 pp. 10471-10476
DOI: 10.1021/jp9020992
Incorporation of DNA networks into microelectrode structures
Ch. Erler and M. Mertig
DOI: 10.1116/1.3002385
Charge transport in proteins probed by resonant photoemission
D. V. Vyalikh, V. V. Maslyuk, A. Blueher, A. Kade, K. Kummer, Yu. S. Dedkov, T. Bredow, I. Mertig, M. Mertig and S. L. Molodtsov
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.098101
Site-specific electronic structure of bacterial surface protein layers
D. V. Vyalikh, K. Kummer, A. Kade, A. Blueher, B. Katzschner, M. Mertig and S. L. Molodtsov
DOI: 10.1007/s00339-008-4913-4
Development of a platform technology for the detection of genetic variations by surface plasmon resonance
A. Kick, S. Begemann, F. Sonntag, N. Schilling, J. Voigt, B. Katzschner, M. Bönsch, A. Herr, N. Danz, A. Benke, U. Klotzbach, M. Jung, M. Mertig
In: EUROSENSORS XXII, Dresden, 07. - 10. September, 2008, pp. 1216 - 1219
ISBN: 978-3-00-025217-4
Regular arrangement of gas phase prepared in-flight annealed FePt nanoparticles on S-layers
U. Queitsch, E. Mohn, A. Blueher, B. Katzschner, M. Mertig, L. Schultz and B. Rellinghaus
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, 2008, 44 pp. 2756-2759
DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2008.2002244
Synthesis of metallic nanowire networks on DNA
C. Erler and M. Mertig
DOI: 10.1109/ESTC.2008.4684499
Dielectrophoretically assembled carbon nanotube-metal hybrid structures with reduced contact resistance
N. Ranjan and M. Mertig
DOI: 10.1002/pssb.200879582
High-resolution photoelectron spectroscopy of self-assembled mercaptohexanol monolayers on gold surfaces
K. Kummer, D. V. Vyalikh, G. Gavrila, A. Kade, M. Weigel-Jech, M. Mertig and S. L. Molodtsov
DOI: 10.1016/j.elspec.2008.02.005
Magnetic field induced improvement of the arrangement of nanomagnets from the gas phase on S-layers
U. Queitsch, D. Pohl, A. Blueher, M. Mertig, L. Schultz and B. Rellinghaus
DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/41/13/134019
Nanostructural organization of naturally occurring composites - Part II: Silica-chitin-based biocomposites
H. Ehrlich, D. Janussen, P. Simon, V. V. Bazhenov, N. P. Shapkin, Ch. Erler, M. Mertig, R. Born, S. Heinemann, T. Hanke, H. Worch and J. N. Vournakis
JOURNAL OF NANOMATERIALS, 2008, 245 pp. 2311-2314
DOI: 10.1155/2008/670235
Electronic structure of bacterial surface protein layers
V. V. Maslyuk, I. Mertig, T. Bredow, M. Mertig, D. V. Vyalikh and S. L. Molodtsov
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.77.045419
X-ray absorption microscopy of bacterial surface protein layers: X-ray damage
A. Kade, D. V. Vyalikh, S. Danzenbaecher, K. Kurnmer, A. Blueher, M. Mertig, A. Lanzara, A. Scholl, A. Doran and S. L. Molodtsov
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, 2007, 111 pp. 13491-13498
DOI: 10.1021/jp073650z
Self-assembly of high-performance multi-tube carbon nanotube field-effect transistors by ac dielectrophoresis
S. Taeger and M. Mertig
DOI: 10.3139/146.101530
Functional DNA nanotube arrays: Bottom-up meets top-down
Ch. Lin, Y. Ke, Y. Liu, M. Mertig, J. Gu and H. Yan
DOI: 10.1002/anie.200701767
Formation of self-assembly nanotemplates in vitro by native SslA protein and its truncation analysis
P. Ryzhkov, K. Ostermann, A. Blueher, M. Mertig and G. Roedel
DOI: 10.1002/pssa.200675354
Regular arrangement of nanoparticles from the gas phase on bacterial surface-protein layers
U. Queitsch, E. Mohn, F. Schaeffel, L. Schultz, B. Rellinghaus, A. Blueher and M. Mertig
DOI: 10.1063/1.2713163
Photolabile and thermally labile polymers as templates and for surface patterning
B. Voit, F. Braun, M. Gernert, B. Sieczkowska, M. Millaruelo, M. Messerschmidt, M. Mertig and J. Opitz
DOI: 10.1002/pat.793
Growing one-dimensional metallic nanowires by dielectrophoresis
N. Ranjan, H. Vinzelberg and M. Mertig
SMALL, 2006, 2 pp. 1490-1496
DOI: 10.1002/smll.200600350
Self-assembly of carbon nanotube field-effect transistors by ac-dielectrophoresis
S. Taeger, D. Sickert, P. Atanasov, G. Eckstein and M. Mertig
DOI: 10.1002/pssb.200669182
Strain sensing with carbon nanotube devices
D. Sickert, S. Taeger, I. Kuehne, M. Mertig, W. Pompe and G. Eckstein
DOI: 10.1002/pssb.200669123
Functionalized pyroelectric sensors for gas detection
M. Schreiter, R. Gabl, J. Lerchner, Ch. Hohlfeld, A. Delan, G. and Wolf, A. Blueher, B. Katzschner, M. Mertig and W. Pompe
DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2005.12.042
Photolabile carboxylic acid protected terpolymers for surface patterning. Part 2: Photocleavage and film patterning
M. Millaruelo, L. M. Eng, M. Mertig, B. Pilch, U. Oertel, J. Opitz, B. Sieczkowska, F. Simon and B. Voit
LANGMUIR, 2006, 22 pp. 9446-9452
DOI: 10.1021/la060027h
Photolabile functional polymers for surface patterning and specific attachment of nanostructures
M. Millaruelo, B. Sieczkowska, M. Messerschmidt, M. Mertig, J. Opitz, L. Eng, W. Pompe and B. Voit
Parallel manipulation of bifunctional DNA molecules on structured surfaces using kinesin-driven microtubules
C. Z. Dinu, J. Opitz, W. Pompe, J. Howard, M. Mertig and S. Diez
SMALL, 2006, 2 pp. 1090-1098
DOI: 10.1002/smll.200600112
Spectroscopic studies of the electronic properties of regularly arrayed two-dimensional protein layers
D. V. Vyalikh, A. Kirchner, A. Kade, S. Danzenbaecher, Y. S. Dedkov, M. Mertig and S. L. Molodtsov
DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/18/13/S09
Small-angle scattering of S-layer metallization
B. Aichmayer, M. Mertig, A. Kirchner, O. Paris and P. Fratzl
ADVANCED MATERIALS, 2006, 18 pp. 915-919
DOI: 10.1002/adma.200501646
The microscopy cell (MicCell), a versatile modular flowthrough system for cell biology, biomaterial research, and nanotechnology
F. U. Gast, P. S. Dittrich, P. Schwille, M. Weigel, M. Mertig, J. Opitz, U. Queitsch, S. Diez, B. Lincoln, F. Wottawah, S. Schinkinger, J. Guck, J. Kas, J. Smolinski, K. Salchert, C. Werner, C. Duschl, M. S. Jager, K. Uhlig, P. Geggier and S. Howitz
DOI: 10.1007/s10404-005-0047-6
Calorimetric methods for catalytic investigations of novel catalysts based on metallized S-layer preparations
R. Huttl, E. Ullrich, G. Wolf, A. Kirchner, M. Mertig and W. Pompe
THERMOCHIMICA ACTA, 2006, 440 pp. 13-18
DOI: 10.1016/j.tca.2005.09.019
Noncovalent sidewall functionalization of carbon nanotubes by biomolecules: Single-stranded DNA and hydrophobin
S. Taeger, L. Y. Xuang, K. Gunther and M. Mertig
DOI: 10.1063/1.2103866
Separation and assembly of DNA-dispersed carbon nanotubes by dielectrophoresis
D. Sickert, S. Taeger, A. Neumann, O. Jost, G. Eckstein, M. Mertig and W. Pompe
DOI: 10.1063/1.2103868
Wrapping carbon nanotubes with DNA: A theoretical study
N. Ranjan, G. Seifert, M. Mertig and T. Heine
DOI: 10.1063/1.2103907
Photoemission and near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure studies of the bacterial surface protein layer of Bacillus sphaericus NCTC 9602
D. V. Vyalikh, A. Kirchner, S. Danzenbacher, Y. S. Dedkov, A. Kade, M. Mertig and S. L. Molodtsov
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, 2005, 109 pp. 18620-18627
DOI: 10.1021/jp050748
Multivariate statistical analysis of two-dimensional metal cluster arrays grown in vitro on a bacterial surface layer
R. Wahl, H. Engelhardt, W. Pompe and M. Mertig
CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 2005, 17 pp. 1887-1894
DOI: 10.1021/cm048497p
Correlation of structural and physical properties of metastable Fe-Cr phases
A. Gorbunov, A. A. Levin, D. C. Meyer, L. Bischoff, D. Eckert, B. Kohler, M. Mertig, T. Weissbach, E. Wieser and W. Pompe
DOI: 10.1002/crat.200410313
DNA-based fabrication of networks by manipulation of single molecules in hydrodynamic flow
J. Opitz, M. Mertig and W. Pompe
Electronic structure of regular bacterial surface layers
D. V. Vyalikh, S. Danzenbacher, M. Mertig, A. Kirchner, W. Pompe, Y. S. Dedkov and S. L. Molodtsov
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 2004, 93 pp. 106-113
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.238103
Purification and dispersion of carbon nanotubes by sidewall functionalization with single-stranded DNA
S. Taeger, O. Jost, W. Pompe and M. Mertig
DOI: 10.1063/1.1812069
Metastable phase formation and stimulated transitions in metallic nanometer films
D. C. Meyer, A. A. Levin, S. Braun, A. Gorbunov, M. Mertig, W. Pompe and P. Paufler
Biocers: ceramics with incorporated microorganisms for biocatalytic, biosorptive and functional materials development
H. Bottcher, U. Soltmann, M. Mertig and W. Pompe
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, 2004, 14 pp. 2176-2188
DOI: 10.1039/b401724b
Site-specific binding and stretching of DNA molecules at UV-light-patterned aminoterpolymer films
J. Opitz, F. Braun, R. Seidel, W. Pompe, B. Voit and M. Mertig
NANOTECHNOLOGY, 2004, 15 pp. 717-723
DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/15/7/001
Synthesis of platinum cluster chains on DNA templates: Conditions for a template-controlled cluster growth
R. Seidel, L. C. Ciacchi, M. Weigel, W. Pompe and M. Mertig
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, 2004, 108 pp. 10801-10811
DOI: 10.1021/jp037800r
Electron holography of non-stained bacterial surface layer proteins
P. Simon, H. Lichte, R. Wahl, M. Mertig and W. Pompe
DOI: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2004.03.005
Photolabile ultrathin polymer films for spatially defined attachment of nano elements
B. Voit, F. Braun, C. Loppacher, S. Trogisch, L. M. Eng, R. Seidel, A. Gorbunoff, W. Pompe and M. Mertig
Formation and decomposition of laser-deposited metastable Fe-Cr phases
A. Gorbunov, A. A. Levin, E. Wieser, L. Bischoff, D. Eckert, A. Mensch, M. Mertig, D. C. Meyer, H. Reuther, P. Paufler and W. Pompe
Controlled positioning of a DNA molecule in an electrode setup based on self-assembly and microstructuring
G. Maubach, A. Csaki, R. Seidel, M. Mertig, W. Pompe, D. Born and W. Fritzsche
NANOTECHNOLOGY, 2003, 14 pp. 545-550
DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/14/5/312
Nucleation of platinum clusters on biopolymers: a first principles study of the molecular mechanisms
L. C. Ciacchi, M. Mertig, R. Seidel, W. Pompe and A. De Vita
NANOTECHNOLOGY, 2003, 14 pp. 840-848
DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/14/8/302
Stretching and transporting DNA molecules using motor proteins
S. Diez, C. Reuther, C. Dinu, R. Seidel, M. Mertig, W. Pompe and J. Howard
NANO LETTERS, 2003, 3 pp. 1251-1254
DOI: 10.1021/nl034504h
Electron holography of organic and biological materials
P. Simon, H. Lichte, J. Drechsel, P. Formanek, A. Graff, R. Wahl, M. Mertig, R. Adhikari and G. H. Michler
ADVANCED MATERIALS, 2003, 15 pp. 1475-1481
DOI: 10.1002/adma.200301645
Superconductivity at 20 mK in compacted submicrometer platinum powders
A. Schindler, R. Konig, T. Herrmannsdorfer, H. F. Braun, G. Eska, D. Gunther, M. Meissner, M. Mertig, R. Wahl and W. Pompe
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 2003, 329 pp. 1427-1428
DOI: 10.1016/S0921-4526(02)02354-2
Nucleation and growth of metal clusters on a DNA template
M. Mertig, R. Seidel, L. C. Ciacchi and W. Pompe
DOI: 10.1063/1.1514160
DNA as a selective metallization template
M. Mertig, L. C. Ciacchi, R. Seidel, W. Pompe and A. De Vita
NANO LETTERS, 2002, 2 pp. 841-844
DOI: 10.1021/nl025612r
T-c-enhancement in superconducting granular platinum
A. Schindler, R. Konig, T. Herrmannsdorfer, H. F. Braun, G. Eska, D. Gunther, M. Meissner, M. Mertig, R. Wahl and W. Pompe
EUROPHYSICS LETTERS, 2002, 58 pp. 885-891
High-field magnetoresistance, giant magnetoresistance, and superparamagnetism in Co/Cu multilayers
D. Elefant, D. Tietjen, R. Schaefer, D. Eckert, R. Kaltofen, M. Mertig and C. M. Schneider
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 2002, 91 pp. 8590-8592
DOI: 10.1063/1.1451890
Low-temperature resistance of DNA-templated nanowires
J. Richter, M. Mertig, W. Pompe and H. Vinzelberg
Scanning force microscopy of two-dimensional structure formation in thin humic acid films
M. Mertig, D. Klemm, H. Zanker and W. Pompe
DOI: 10.1002/sia.1173
Scanning force microscopy of DNA metallization
R. Seidel, M. Mertig and W. Pompe
DOI: 10.1002/sia.1179
Elastic mapping of sub-surface defects by ultrasonic force microscopy: limits of depth sensitivity
H. Geisler, M. Hoehn, M. Rambach, M. A. Meyer, E. Zschech, M. Mertig, A. Romanov, M. Bobeth, W. Pompe and R. E. Geer
Formation and manipulation of regular metallic nanoparticle arrays on bacterial surface layers: an advanced TEM study
M. Mertig, R. Wahl, M. Lehmann, P. Simon and W. Pompe
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D, 2001, 16 pp. 317-320
Osteocalcin-controlled dissolution-reprecipitation of calcium phosphate under biomimetic conditions
K. Flade, C. Lau, M. Mertig, W. Pompe
CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 2001, 13 pp. 3596-3602
DOI: 10.1021/cm011063z
A fast screening method for surface layers on Gram-positive bacteria
R. Wahl, J. Raff, S. Selenska-Pobell, M. Mertig and W. Pompe
BIOTECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 2001, 23 pp. 1485-1490
Electron-beam induced formation of highly ordered palladium and platinum nanoparticle arrays on the S-layer of Bacillus sphaericus NCTC 9602
R. Wahl, M. Mertig, J. Raff, S. Selenska-Pobell and W. Pompe
ADVANCED MATERIALS, 2001, 13 pp. 736-740
Stress measurements on chrome-tanned leather
M. Tuckermann, M. Mertig, W. Pompe and G. Reich
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 2001, 36 pp. 1789-1799
In situ observation of moisture-induced swelling of leather in an environmental scanning electron microscope
M. Tuckermann, M. Mertig and W. Pompe
Construction of highly conductive nanowires on a DNA template
J. Richter, M. Mertig, W. Pompe, I. Monch and H. K. Schackert
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 2001, 78 pp. 536-538
Laser reshaping of cartilage
E. Sobol, A. Sviridov, A. Omel'chenko, V. Bagratashvili, M. Kitai, S. E. Harding, N. Jones, K. Jumel, M. Mertig, W. Pompe, Y. Ovchinnikov, A. Shekhter and V. Svistushkin
Scanning force microscopy of the fine structure of cartilage irradiated with a CO2 laser
E. Sobol, A. Omel'chenko, M. Mertig, M and Pompe, W
LASERS IN MEDICAL SCIENCE, 2000, 15 pp. 15-23
Nanoscale palladium metallization of DNA
J. Richter, R. Seidel, R. Kirsch, M. Mertig, W. Pompe, J. Plaschke and H. K. Schackert
ADVANCED MATERIALS, 2000, 12 pp. 507-510
DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1521-4095(200004)12:7<507::AID-ADMA507>3.0.CO;2-G

Fabrication of highly oriented nanocluster arrays by biomolecular templating
M. Mertig, R. Kirsch, W. Pompe and H. Engelhardt
Formation of metallic nanostructures on biomolecular templates
W. Pompe, M. Mertig, R. Kirsch, R. Wahl, L. C. Ciacchi, J. Richter, R. Seidel and H. Vinzelberg
ZEITSCHRIFT FUR METALLKUNDE, 1999, 90 pp. 1085-1091
Alterations in fine structure of cartilage after noninvasive treatment by CO2 laser
E. N. Sobol, A. I. Omel'chenko, M. Mertig and W. Pompe
Biomimetic mineralization of collagen by combined fibril assembly and calcium phosphate formation
J. H. Bradt, M. Mertig, A. Teresiak and W. Pompe
CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 1999, 11 pp. 2694-2701
Wiring of metallized microtubules by electron beam-induced structuring
W. Fritzsche, J. M. Kohler, K. J. Bohm, E. Unger, T. Wagner, R. Kirsch, M. Mertig and W. Pompe
NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1999, 10 pp. 331-335
Scanning force microscopy of spin-coated humic acid
M. Mertig, D. Klemm, W. Pompe, H. Zanker and M. Bottger
Adhesion energy of thin collagen coatings and titanium
G. Janchen, M. Mertig and W. Pompe
Observations of Fe surfaces with magnetic force and Kerr microscopy
E. Zueco, W. Rave, R. Schafer, M. Mertig and L. Schultz
Dewetting of thin collagenous precursor films
M. Mertig, U. Thiele, J. Bradt, D. Klemm and W. Pompe
Biomolecular approach to nanotube fabrication
M. Mertig, R. Kirsch and W. Pompe
Dewetting of an evaporating thin liquid film: Heterogeneous nucleation and surface instability
U. Thiele, M. Mertig and W. Pompe
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 1998, 80 pp. 2869-2872
Scanning probe microscopy - A useful tool in leather research
G. Reich, J. Bradt, M. Mertig, W. Pompe and T. Taeger
Three-dimensional metallization of microtubules
R. Kirsch, M. Mertig, W. Pompe, R. Wahl, G. Sadowski, K. J. Bohm and E. Unger
THIN SOLID FILMS, 1997, 305 pp. 248-253
Scanning force microscopy and geometric analysis of two-dimensional collagen network formation
M. Mertig, U. Thiele, J. Bradt, G. Leibiger, W. Pompe and H. Wendrock
Nanopatterning by biological templating and laser direct writing in thin laser deposited films
A. A. Gorbunov, M. Mertig, R. Kirsch, H. Eichler, W. Pompe and H. Engelhardt
APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 1997, 110 pp. 621-625
DOI: 10.1016/S0169-4332(96)00644-7
Collagen assembly from acid solution to networks on solid surfaces and to fibrils
J. H. Bradt, M. Mertig, B. Winzer, U. Thiele and W. Pompe
Metallization of bacterial surface layer by cross-beam pulsed laser deposition
W. Pompe, M. Mertig, R. Kirsch, A. A. Gorbunov, A. Sewing, H. Engelhardt and A. Mensch
Exposure of monomolecular resists with low energy electrons
E. C. G. Kirk, M. Mertig, I. Monch, M. Bertram, J. Schumann, L. van Loyen, A. Gladun and G. Reiss
Thermal detection of ESR on spin-polarized hydrogen - study of surface recombination
M. Mertig, E. Tjukanov, S. A. Vasilyev, A. Y. Katunin and S. Jaakkola
DOI: 10.1007/BF00753836
High and low-voltage electron-beam exposure of tricosanoic acid multilayers
M. Mertig, E. C. G. Kirk, I. Monch, M. Bertram, J. Edelmann, J. Schumann, L. van Loyen, A. Gladun and G. Reiss

Recombination energy accommodation of hydrogen at the surface of liquid-helium
S. A. Vasilyev, E. Tjukanov, M. Mertig and S. Jaakkola
PHYSICA B, 1994, 194 pp. 437-438
Thermal detection of ESR-induced surface recombination of spin-polarized hydrogen
M. Mertig, E. Tjukanov, A. Y. Katunin, S. A. Vasilyev and S. Jaakkola
PHYSICA B, 1994, 194 pp. 439-440
Strong magnetic compression of spin-polarized hydrogen
P. Arvela, A. V. Frolov, S. Jaakkola, A. Y. Katunin, I. I. Lukashevich, M. Mertig, A. I. Safonov and E. Tsukanov
PHYSICA B, 1994, 194 pp. 439-440
Distribution of surface recombination energy of spin-polarized hydrogen on liquid-helium
S. A. Vasilyev, E. Tjukanov, M. Mertig, A. Y. Katunin and S. Jaakkola
EUROPHYSICS LETTERS, 1993, 24 pp. 223-228
Helium jet accommodator for the thermalization of atomic-hydrogen gas
M. Mertig, A. V. Levkovitch, V. G. Luppov and Y. K. Pilipenko
Optimization of microwave hydrogen dissociator
V. P. Ershov, I. V. Zhigulin, A. V. Levkovich, V. G. Luppov, M. Mertig and Y. K. Pilipenko
Cryopumping of atomic-hydrogen
V. G. Luppov, M. Mertig, T. Roser, B. S. Vanguilder, B. Vuaridel, Y. M. Melnik and A. F. Prudkoglyad
DOI: 10.1063/1.1142207
Continuous density-measurement of atomic-hydrogen by means of a bolometer
M. Mertig, V. G. Luppov, T. Roser and B. Vuaridel
DOI: 10.1063/1.1142273
Present status of the michigan-MIT ultra-cold polarized hydrogen jet
B. Vuaridel, J. A. Bywater, D. G. Crabb, W. A. Kaufman, R. S. Raymond, T. Roser, J.A. Stewart, B. S. Vanguilder , G. R. Court, Y. M. Melnik, A. F. Prudkoglyad, V. G. Luppov and M. Mertig
JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE, 1990, 51 pp. 6541-6544
DOI: 10.1051/jphyscol:1990668
Investigation of defect structure of neutron-irradiated crystalline silicon by low-temperature thermal-conductivity
G. Pompe, N. A. Elrehim and M. Mertig
Nuclear-polarization of atomic-hydrogen
M. Mertig, V. G. Luppov and Y. K. Pilipenko
Specific-heat of cold-deformed NB80TI20-foils at low-temperatures
M. Mertig
Specific-heat of NB-doped RUO2 single-crystals
M. Mertig, G. Pompe and E. Hegenbarth
DOI: 10.1002/pssb.2221350133
Specific-heat of amorphous-silicon at low-temperatures
M. Mertig, G. Pompe and E. Hegenbarth
SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS, 1984, 49 pp. 369-372
Low-temperature specific-heat of vapour-deposited GE0.3SE1-0.3glass
M. Mertig, G. Pompe and E. Hegenbarth
Glass-like behavior of SR1-XBAXNB2O6(SBN) single-crystals demonstrated by heat-capacity measurements
I. Henning, M. Mertig, R. Plath, G. Pompe, E. Hegenbarth and R. Schalge


Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Bestimmen von Eigenschaften mindestens einer Struktur im Submikrometerbereich
Appl. Technische Universität Dresden
Inv. F.W. Schwarz, P. Gröger, S. Diez, F. Fischer, M. Mertig, Deutsche Patentanmeldung 10 2015 212 703
Reaktorsystem zur Kultivierung von Mikroorganismen und deren Anwendung für biochemische Photosynthese-Prozesse
Appl. Technische Universität Dresden
Inv. N. Haufe, J. Weber, G. Hilpmann, R. Illing, F. Krujatz, K. Helbig, S. Grützner, R. Lange, T. Bley, G. Cuniberti, S. Thierfelder, M. Mertig, Deutsche Patentanmeldung 10 2014 225 349.7 vom 16.06.2016
Miniaturisierbare, potentiometrische Elektrode ohne flüssigen Innenelektrolyt auf Basis von Graphitpaste für die Ionendetektion
Kurt-Schwabe-Institut für Mess- und Sensortechnik e.V. Meinsberg
Inv. J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, M. Mertig, Gebrauchsmusteranmeldung 20 2016 001 461.8
Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Nachweis eines Analyten in einer Probe mittels Oberflächen-Plasmonen-Resonanz (SPR) und Elektrochemischer Impedanz Spektroskopie (EIS)
Kurt-Schwabe-Institut für Mess- und Sensortechnik e.V. Meinsberg
Inv. W. Vonau, M. Mertig, S. Päßler, und weitere Erfinder (noch nicht genannt), Deutsche Patentanmeldung 10 2011 086 393.1 vom 15.11.2011
Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Extraktion gelöster Komponenten aus Flüssigkeiten
Kurt-Schwabe-Institut für Mess- und Sensortechnik e.V. Meinsberg
Inv. J. Zosel, M. Schelter, W. Oelßner, M. Mertig, Deutsche Patentanmeldung 10 2011 108 133.3 vom 20.07.2011
Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Detektion von in flüssigen Proben enthaltenen Analytmolekülen
Appl. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.
Inv. F. Sonntag, U. Klotzbach, M. Gruchow, F. Mehringer, M. Mertig and C. Erler, 2008
URL: DE 10 2008 062 620 A1
Device and method for detecting a substance by means of particle plasmon resonance (PPR) or particle-mediated fluorescence based on cell surface polarizations
Appl. Technische Universität Dresden
Inv. K. Ostermann, W. Pompe, D. Wersing, M. Lakatos, M. Mertig, G. Roedel and S. Thierfelder, 2008
URL: WO 2009/000920 A9
Electrical features improvement method for nano-electronic structure, involves arranging nanoelectronic structure between two electrodes, applying metallic salt solution on nanowires and nanotubes
Appl. Technische Universität Dresden
Inv. M. Mertig, S. Taeger, and N. Ranjan, 2006
URL: DE 10 2006 043 386 A1
Structured polymeric multilayered support for biomolecules, its production method and use
Appl. Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e. V.
Inv. B. Voit, B. Sieczkowska, M. Millaruelo Boira, J. Opitz, J. Voigt, W. Pompe and M. Mertig, 2006
URL: EP 1 787 717 A1
Method for integrating functional nanostructures into microelectric and nanoelectric circuits
Inv. D. Sickert, G. Eckstein, A. Benke, O. Jost, M. Mertig and S. Taeger, 2006
URL: WO 2007/17401 A3
Substrate with spatially selective metal coating method for production and use thereof
Appl. Technische Universität Dresden
Inv. J. Hofinger, W. Pompe, M. Mertig, A. Kirchner, N. Schreiber, A. Blueher, S. Roos, D. Keck and B. Katzschner, 2006
URL: WO 2007/12333 A3
Method and devices for the detection of microorganisms and/or the activity thereof
Appl. J. Hofinger
Inv. K. Ostermann, W. Pompe, D. Wersing, M. Mertig, J. Gooding, G. Roedel and K. Ihle, 2006
URL: WO 2007/65423 A1
Self-assembling proteins with altered electronic structure, useful in biomolecular engineering, e.g. for deposition of metal clusters, are modified by incorporation of electron donors
Appl. Technische Universität Dresden
Inv. M. Mertig, A. Kirchner, W. Pompe, D. Vyalikh, S. Danzenbaecher, Y. Dedkov and S. Molodtsov, 2004
URL: DE 10 2004 042 286 A1
Method of producing three-dimensional structures using motor proteins
Inv. S. Diez, C. Reuther, J. Howard, R. Seidel, M. Mertig, W. Pompe and M. Bergmann, 2004
URL: WO 2004/96831 A3
Generating nucleation centers on nucleic acid, useful for subsequent metallization in nanotechnology, comprises incubation with a metal salt then reduction
Appl. Technische Universität Dresden
Inv. M. Mertig, L. Colombi-Ciacchi, R. Seidel, W. Pompe and A. Vita, 2002
URL: DE 102 28 056 A1
Katalysator mit einer metallischen Nanostruktur auf Basis metallisierter Biotemplate sowie deren Verwendung
Appl. J. Hofinger
Inv. M. Mertig, W. Pompe, R. Wahl and Th. Bieber, 2002
URL: DE 102 04 532 A1
Biocomposite (Biocer) for biosorption of heavy metals comprises an inorganic gel containing immobilized dry-stable cellular products
Appl. Kallies Feinchemie AG, Forschungszentrum Rossendorf e.V.
Inv. K.-H. Kallies, S. Selenska-Pobell, J. Raff, U. Soltmann, H. Böttcher and H. Quast, 2001
URL: DE 101 46 375 A1
Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Messung der Rezeptoraktivität an transfizierten Zellen
Appl. Technische Universität Dresden
Inv. A. Benke, R. Wahl, J. Richter, B. Winzer, S. Matys, M. Mertig and W. Pompe, 2001
URL: DE 101 50 971 B8
Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Charakterisierung von mechanischen Spannungszuständen in flächenhaften Materialien
Appl. Technische Universität Dresden
Inv. M. Mertig, W. Pompe and M. Tuckermann, 2000
URL: DE 100 03 009 A1
Characterization of mechanical strain conditions in planar materials; involves using capacitive measuring system comprising substrate plate and baseplate with one or more electrodes
Appl. Technische Universität Dresden
Inv. S. Lampenscherf, M. Mertig, W. Pompe, M. Tuckermann, A. Gerbatsch and G. Reich, 1998
URL: DE 198 31 622 A1
Method for making mineralized collagen fibrils and their use as bone replacement material
Inv. K. Weis, W. Pompe, J. Bradt and J. W. Polarek, 1998
URL: EP 0 945 147 A2
Metallic nanostructure on the basis of self-assembling, geometrically highly-ordered proteins, and process for preparation thereof
Appl. J. Hofinger
Inv. J. Hofinger, R. Wahl, R. Kirsch, M. Mertig, W. Pompe and E. Unger, 1997
URL: WO 1997/48837 A1
Ablation product removal method for laser structuring process
Appl. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung eV
Inv. M. Panzner, G. Wiedemann and M. Mertig, 1997
URL: DE 197 52 203 A1

Posterbeiträge 2022

Spatial light patterns using smartphone optogenetics for behavioral control of Drosophila melanogaster larvae
I. Meloni, D. Sachidanandan, A. S. Thum, R. J. Kittel, J. Czarske, M. Mertig, C. Murawski
OPTOGEN2022, 7th International Workshop on Technologies for Optogenetics and Neurophotonics, 11. - 13.05.2022, Paris, Frankreich
Development of a miniaturized electrochemical sensor for on-site nitrate monitoring
M. Brandão Silva de Assis, A. Kick, J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, M. Mertig
Engineering of Functional Interfaces, EnFI 2022, 05. - 06.07.2022, Maastricht, Niederlande
Signal enhancement for voltammetric detection of heavy metal ions
J. Weißpflog, J. Yao, K. Trommer, M. Mertig
Engineering of Functional Interfaces, EnFI 2022, 05. - 06.07.2022, Maastricht, Niederlande
Moisture measurement in the partially saturated area of dyke structures using impedimetric soil sensors
W. Fichtner, D. Fleischer, U. Helbig, M. Mertig
8th RSE SEE & 9th Kurt Schwabe symposium, 11. - 15.07.2022, Graz, Österreich
Sensor technology for variable, soil moisture-dependent seed placement
W. Fichtner, P. Zimmermann, D. Horlacher, H.F. Schönleber, M. Mertig
8th RSE SEE & 9th Kurt Schwabe symposium, 11. - 15.07.2022, Graz, Österreich
Miniaturized pressure-resistant sensors for limnological applications
F. Gerlach, K. Ahlborn, R. Bannasch, I. Lange, O. Mietz, S.-Ch. Mietz, W. Vonau
8th RSE SEE & 9th Kurt Schwabe symposium, 11. - 15.07.2022, Graz, Österreich
A robust electrode arrangement with a glassy carbon working electrode for sulfite detection
A. Kick, A. Svirepa, F. Trommer, M. Mertig
8th RSE SEE & 9th Kurt Schwabe symposium, 11. - 15.07.2022, Graz, Österreich
Yeast pheromone-based amplification system for diclofenac detection
A. Kick, C. Schirmer, J. Lenart, L. h. Tranelis, J. Döring, M. Patschin, K. Ostermann, M. Mertig
8th RSE SEE & 9th Kurt Schwabe symposium, 11. - 15.07.2022, Graz, Österreich
Application of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy for hydrogen detection with metal oxide gas sensors
A. Ruchets, J. Zosel, M. Mertig
8th RSE SEE & 9th Kurt Schwabe symposium, 11. - 15.07.2022, Graz, Österreich

Posterbeiträge 2021

Biopolymer-basierte Sensoren für die potentiometrische und voltammetrische Bestimmung von Sulfat- und Eisenionen
A. Svirepa, J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, D. Schwarz, S. Schwarz, M. Mertig
Dresdner Grundwassertage 2021, 08.-09.06.2021, Dresden, Deutschland
Biopolymer-modified electrodes for electrochemical determination of pollutants in water
A. Svirepa, J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, D. Schwarz, S. Schwarz, M. Mertig
1st Physical Chemistry Dresden Training conference, 15.07.2021, Dresden, Deutschland
Development of a miniaturized potentiometric sensor for on-site nitrate monitoring in soil
M. Brandão Silva de Assis, J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, M. Mertig
1st Physical Chemistry Dresden Training conference, 15.07.2021, Dresden, Deutschland
Development and testing of a measuring system for dissolved hydrogen in biogas plants
R.R. Retamal Marín, J. Zosel, M. Mertig
EuroPACT 2021 "5th European Conference on Process Analytics and Control Technology", 15.-17.11.2021, Deutschland, virtuell
Stabilitätsuntersuchungen an miniaturisierten Nitratsensoren
M. Brandão Silva de Assis, K. Trommer, A. Kick, J. Schwarz, M. Mertig
15. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, 06.-08.12.2021, Dresden, virtuell
Sensorik zur bodenfeuchteabhängigen Saatgutablage
W. Fichtner, P. Zimmermann, D. Horlacher, H.F. Schönleber, M. Mertig
15. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, 06.-08.12.2021, Dresden, virtuell
Signalverstärkersystem basierend auf der Pheromon-gekoppelten Bildung eines Fluoreszenzproteins in Hefen
A. Kick, J. Lenhart, L.H. Tranelis, J. Döring, M. Patschin, K. Ostermann, M. Mertig
15. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, 06.-08.12.2021, Dresden, virtuell
Chitosan-modifizierte Sensoren für elektrochemische Anwendungen in Spreewasserproben
A. Svirepa, J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, D. Schwarz, S. Schwarz, M. Mertig
15. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, 06.-08.12.2021, Dresden, virtuell
Entwicklung eines voltammetrischen In-situ-Sensorsystems zum Nachweis von As(III) und As(V)
J. Weißpflog, K. Trommer, J. Schwarz, M. Mertig
15. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, 06.-08.12.2021, Dresden, virtuell
Voltammetrische Bestimmung von Schwermetallionen in Umweltproben mit elektrochemischen All-Solid-State-Sensoren
J. Yao, J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, M. Mertig
15. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, 06.-08.12.2021, Dresden, virtuell

Posterbeiträge 2020

Posterbeiträge 2019

Bottom-up assembly of self thermophoretic swimmers based on gold nanoparticles and DNA origami
A. Heerwig, M. Schubel, C. Schirmer, A. Svirepa, A. Herms, F. Cichos, M. Mertig
Microscale Motion and Light (mml19), 22. - 26.07.2019, Dresden, Deutschland
Improving ionic conductivity of new energy materials by taylored grain boundary design
J. Yao, A. Herms, J. Raethel, D. Pohl, J. Zosel, W. Oelßner, M. Mertig
7th Dresden Nanoanalysis Symposium, 30.08.2019, Dresden, Deutschland
Coulometrische Sauerstofftitration mittels Festelektrolytgassensoren zur Untersuchung von oxidischen Festelektrolyten
A. Herms, J. Yao, J. Zosel, W. Oelßner, M. Mertig
14. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, 02.-04.12.2019, Dresden, Deutschland
Entwicklung praxistauglicher Messmethoden zur Viskositätsmessung in Biogasmedien
W. Fichtner, J. Zosel, W. Oelßner, B. Habermann, P. Zimmermann, M. Mertig
14. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, 02.-04.12.2019, Dresden, Deutschland
Quantitative Diclofenac-Analyse mittels gentechnisch veränderter Saccharomyces cerevisiae
A. Kick, M. Schulz, C. Schirmer, K. Ostermann, G. Rödel, M. Mertig
14. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, 02.-04.12.2019, Dresden, Deutschland
Neuronal stimulation of Drosophila melanogaster by smartphone displays
I. Meloni, A. Thum, R. J. Kittel, M. Mertig, C. Murawski
14. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, 02.-04.12.2019, Dresden, Deutschland
Design und Herstellung eines neuen Kompositmaterials mit hoher Korngrenzenleitfähigkeit
J. Yao, A. Herms, J. Raethel, D. Pohl, J. Zosel, W. Oelßner, M. Mertig
14. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, 02.-04.12.2019, Dresden, Deutschland

Posterbeiträge 2018

Dynamic methods for solid electrolyte sensors
A. Ruchets, N. Donker, D. Schönauer-Kamin, R. Moos, J. Zosel, M. Mertig
International meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS), 15. - 19.07.2018, Wien, Österreich
Detection of ultra-small amounts of exchanged oxygen by oxygen solid electrolyte coulometry
A. Herms, J. Yao, J. Zosel, V. Vashook, W. Oelßner, M. Mertig
11th International Workshop on Engineering of Functional Interfaces, EnFI 2018, 01. - 03.07.2018, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Deutschland
Electrical Actuation of a DNA Origami Nanolever on an Electrode
F. Kroener, A. Heerwig, W. Kaiser, M. Mertig, U. Rant
11th International Workshop on Engineering of Functional Interfaces, EnFI 2018, 01. - 03.07.2018, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Deutschland
Electrically induced cleaning of DNA origami structures
A. Heerwig, S. Brokmeier, A. Kick, F. Kroener, U. Rant, M. Mertig
11th International Workshop on Engineering of Functional Interfaces, EnFI 2018, 01. - 03.07.2018, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Deutschland
Synthesis and characterization of DNA origami ring-structures
A. Heerwig, M.Y.M. Schubel, A. Herms, M. Mertig
11th International Workshop on Engineering of Functional Interfaces, EnFI 2018, 01. - 03.07.2018, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Deutschland
Selectivity improvement of zirconia sensors by dynamic methods
A. Ruchets, J. Zosel, M. Mertig
11th International Workshop on Engineering of Functional Interfaces, EnFI 2018, 01. - 03.07.2018, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Deutschland
A conducting polythiophene for bioelectronics
J. Zessin, E. Bittrich, M. Malanin, J. Posseckardt, B. Voit, M. Mertig, A. Kiriy, K. Eichhorn
11th International Workshop on Engineering of Functional Interfaces, EnFI 2018, 01. - 03.07.2018, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Deutschland
Magnetic nanoparticles encapsulated in carbon nanotubes as potential thermo-seeds for hyperthermia
R. Ghunaim, G. Cirillo, B. Büchner, R. Klingeler, S. Hampel
Italian School on Magnetism, 21. – 25. Mai 2018, Turin, Italien
Surface properties of highly aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes depending on N doping
V. Eckert, S. Oswald, A. Leonhardt, B. Büchner
ChemOnTubes 2018, 22. - 26. April 2018, Biarritz, Frankreich
DNA Origami-Templated Formation of Semiconducting Polythiophene Wires
J. Zessin, F. Fischer, A. Heerwig, A. Kick, B. Voit, A. Kiriy, M. Mertig
15th Annual Conference Foundations of Nanoscience (FNANO18), 16. - 19. April 2018, Snowbird, USA
Optically Responsive Functionality of a Polythiophene-DNA Origami Hybrid-Structure
J. Zessin, F. Fischer, A. Heerwig, A. Kick, B. Voit, A. Kiriy, M. Mertig
Nano Center Annual Conference 2018, 14. - 15. März 2018, The Dead Sea, Israel
Resistance-heating of carbon nanotube yarns in different atmospheres
M. Scholz, , Y. Hayashi, V. Khavrus, D. Chujo, H. Inoue, M. Hada, A. Leonhardt, B. Büchner, S. Hampel
NanoCarbon Annual Conference, 27. - 28. Februar 2018, Würzburg, Deutschland
Synthesis of tailormade multi-walled carbon nanotubes with different morphologies for toxicological studies
V. Eckert, B. Büchner, A. Leonhardt, S. Reamon-Bütthner, C. Ziemann, D. Schaudien
NanoCarbon Annual Conference, 27. - 28. Februar 2018, Würzburg, Deutschland
Hochsensitive coulometrische Sauerstofftitration zur Charakterisierung von Festkörpern bei erhöhten Temperaturen
A. Herms, J. Yao, J. Zosel, V. Vashook, W. Oelßner, M. Mertig
19. GMA/ITG-Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme 2018, 26.-27.06.2018, Nürnberg, Deutschland
Optischer Ganzzellsensor zur Überwachung von Arzneimittelrückständen in Wasser
W. Fichtner, J. Posseckardt, C. Schirmer, M. Mertig I. Tobehn-Steinhäuser A. Schuller, G. Rödel, K. Ostermann P. Zimmermann
XI. Mittweidaer Talsperrentag. Messtechnische Überwachung von Stauanlagen, 25.-26.04.2018, Mittweida, Deutschland
Umweltmonitoring mit Biosensoren
C. Schirmer, J. Posseckardt, M. Mertig
3. Zukunftsforum simul+, 22.08.2018, Radebeul, Deutschland
Detection of ultra-small amounts of exchanged oxygen by oxygen solid electrolyte coulometry
A. Herms , J. Yao , J. Zosel, V. Vashook, W. Oelßner, M. Mertig
6th Dresden Nanoanalysis Symposium: Materials challenges for automotive industry - Micro- and nanoscale characterization, 31.08.2018, Dresden, Deutschland
All-solid-state copper(II)-selective electrodes for environmental applications
J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, M. Mertig
1st International Conference on Ion Analysis – ICIA 2018, 09.-13.09.2018, Berlin, Deutschland

Posterbeiträge 2017

Herstellung und Charakterisierung eines neuen keramischen Komposit-Festelektrolyts
J. Yao, J. Zosel, W. Oelßner, M. Mertig
13. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, 04.-06. Dezember 2017, Dresden, Deutschland
Voltammetrische Bestimmung von Cu(II)- und In(III)-Ionen an modifizierten All-Solid-State Dickschichtelektroden auf Graphitbasis
J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, F. Gerlach, M. Mertig
13. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, 04.-06. Dezember 2017, Dresden, Deutschland
Sortierung von arc-discharge SWCNTs mittels polymerbasierter selektiver Dispergierung und deren Anwendung in FETs
L. Scharfenberg, S. Hermann, M. Mertig
13. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, 04.-06. Dezember 2017, Dresden, Deutschland
Impedanzspektroskopie zur Verfolgung der metabolischen Aktivität von Saccharomyces cerevisiae mit interdigitalen Platindickschichtelektroden
J. Posseckardt, C. Schirmer, A. Kick, K. Rebatschek, T. Lamz, M. Mertig
13. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, 04.-06. Dezember 2017, Dresden, Deutschland
Tensid-induzierte optische Reaktion einer Polythiophen-DNA Origami Hybridstruktur
J. Zessin, F. Fischer, A. Heerwig, A. Kick, A. Kiriy, M. Mertig
13. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, 04.-06. Dezember 2017, Dresden, Deutschland
DNA-based plasmonic nanoantennas
M. Lakatos, H. Brunner, A. Heerwig, D. Pohl, B. Rellinghaus, T. Haugwitz, D. Plettemeier, M. Mertig
5th Dresden Nanoanalysis Symposium: In-situ Microscopy, 01. September 2017, Dresden, Deutschland
Preparation of new composite ceramics based on gadolinium-doped ceria and magnesia nanoparticles
J. Yao, M. Schelter, J. Zosel, W. Oelßner, M. Mertig
5th Dresden Nanoanalysis Symposium: In-situ Microscopy, 01. September 2017, Dresden, Deutschland
Synthesis, characterization and DNA-templated arrangement of a semiconducting polythiophene
J. Zessin, F. Fischer, A. Heerwig, A. Kick, A. Kiriy, M. Mertig
10th Meeting Engineering of Functional Interfaces (EnFI 2017), 28. - 29. August 2017, Marburg, Deutschland
Folding DNA origami nanolevers from differently prepared scaffold strands
A. Heerwig, F. Kröner, J. Lenhart, U. Rant, M. Mertig
10th Meeting Engineering of Functional Interfaces (EnFI 2017), 28. - 29. August 2017, Marburg, Deutschland
Synthesis, Characterization and DNA-templated arrangement of a semiconducting polythiophene
J. Zessin, F. Fischer, A. Heerwig, A. Kick, A. Kiriy, M. Mertig
International Conference NanoBioMater 2017 & NanoBioMater Summer School, 27. - 30. Juni 2017, Bad Herrenalb, Deutschland
Density fluctuation along stretched DNA under confinement
E. Sperling, J. Yao, M. Mertig
International Workshop on Future Trends in DNA-based Nanotechnology (dnatec17), 29. Mai - 02. Juni 2017, Dresden, Deutschland
DNA origami as a chemical nanosensor
E. Schreyer, M. Mertig
International Workshop on Future Trends in DNA-based Nanotechnology (dnatec17), 29. Mai - 02. Juni 2017, Dresden, Deutschland
DNA-based plasmonic nanoantennas
M. Lakatos, H. Brunner, A. Heerwig, D. Pohl, B. Rellinghaus, M. Mertig
International Workshop on Future Trends in DNA-based Nanotechnology (dnatec17), 29. Mai - 02. Juni 2017, Dresden, Deutschland
Electrically facilitated immobilization of DNA origamis from crude folding solution
F. Kröner, A. Heerwig, U. Rant, M. Mertig
International Workshop on Future Trends in DNA-based Nanotechnology (dnatec17), 29. Mai - 02. Juni 2017, Dresden, Deutschland
Surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy as a tool for the evaluation of DNA conjugates
A. Kick, A. Herms, J. Zessin, M. Mertig
International Workshop on Future Trends in DNA-based Nanotechnology (dnatec17), 29. Mai - 02. Juni 2017, Dresden, Deutschland
New developments on the way to self-thermophoretic nanoswimmers
A. Herms, K. Günther, E. Sperling, A. Heerwig, R. Schachoff, F. Cichos, M. Mertig
International Workshop on Future Trends in DNA-based Nanotechnology (dnatec17), 29. Mai - 02. Juni 2017, Dresden, Deutschland
Construction of XXS DNA origami with defined length
A. Heerwig, F. Kröner, U. Rant, M. Mertig
International Workshop on Future Trends in DNA-based Nanotechnology (dnatec17), 29. Mai - 02. Juni 2017, Dresden, Deutschland
Detection of the metabolic activity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae using impedance spectroscopy
J. Posseckardt, C. Schirmer, W. Fichtner, M. Mertig
10. Deutsches Biosensor Symposium/ 1. Europäisches Biosensorsymposium, 20. - 23. März 2017, Potsdam, Deutschland
Hot Brownian Nanoswimmers
R. Schachoff, K. Günther, M. Mertig, F. Cichos
DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2017, 13. - 17. März 2017, Dresden, Deutschland

Posterbeiträge 2016

Why to use DNA for constructing thermophoretic swimmers?
M. Mertig, K. Günther, A. Herms, A.P. Bregulla, F. Cichos
International Conference: Microswimmers - From Single Particle Motion to Collective Behaviour, 04.-07. Oktober 2016, Bonn, Deutschland
Single Molecule Manipulations by Dynamic Temperature Fields
M. Mertig, M. Braun, A.P. Bregulla, K. Günther, F. Cichos
International Conference: Microswimmers - From Single Particle Motion to Collective Behaviour, 04.-07. Oktober 2016, Bonn, Deutschland
Thermo-Osmotic flows in thin films
F. Cichos, A.P. Bregulla, A. Würger, K. Günther, A. Kick, M. Mertig
International Conference: Microswimmers - From Single Particle Motion to Collective Behaviour, 04.-07. Oktober 2016, Bonn, Deutschland
Design and construction of thermophoretic micro- and nanoswimmers
A. Herms, K. Günther, A. Bregulla, F. Cichos, M. Mertig
SPP 1726 "Microswimmers" Summer School 2015, 21.-25. September 2015, Jülich, Deutschland
Sensoren auf Basis elektroaktiver Bakterien zur In-situ-Prozessüberwachung in Biogasanlagen
J. Kretzschmar, J. Liebetrau, M. Mertig, F. Harnisch
18. Heiligenstädter Kolloquium, 19.-21. September 2016, Heilbad Heiligenstadt, Deutschland
Site-specific attachment of a semiconducting polythiophene-derivate to DNA origami structures
J. Zessin, F. Fischer, A. Heerwig, M. Stamm, A. Kiriy, M. Mertig
22. International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming, 04.-08. September 2016, München, Deutschland
Methods to characterize the oligonucleotide functionalization of quantum dots
R. Weichelt, S. Leubner, A. Henning-Knechtel, M. Mertig, N. Gaponik, T.-L. Schmidt, A. Eychmüller
22. International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming, 04.-08. September 2016, München, Deutschland
DNA-based thermophoretic micro- and nanoswimmers: design and construction
K. Günther, A. Herms, E. Sperling, A.P. Bregulla, R. Schachoff, F. Cichos, M. Mertig
22. International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming, 04.-08. September 2016, München, Deutschland
Synthesis and characterization of functional three-dimensional DNA origami hybrid structures
M. Lakatos, J. Erfkamp, A. Heerwig, M. Mertig
Engineering of Functional Interfaces, 03.-05. Juli 2016, Wildau, Deutschland
Input/output monitoring of physical and chemical parameters in microfluidic systems
A. Kleppisius, A. Kick , M. Mertig
Engineering of Functional Interfaces, 03.-05. Juli 2016, Wildau, Deutschland
New composite materials for electrochemical energy storage
J. Yao, M. Schelter, J. Zosel, M. Mertig
Engineering of Functional Interfaces, 03.-05. Juli 2016, Wildau, Deutschland
Challenges and solutions towards the construction of thermophoretic nanoswimmers
A. Herms, K. Günther, E. Sperling, F. Cichos, M. Mertig
Engineering of Functional Interfaces, 03.-05. Juli 2016, Wildau, Deutschland
High-resolution transmission electron microscopy characterization of 3D DNA origami objects
A. Heerwig, M. Lakatos, J. Erfkamp, E. Sperling, P. Formanek, M. Mertig
4th Dresden Nanoanalysis Symposium Materials Modeling and Characterization, 15. Juni 2016, Dresden, Deutschland
DNA-based assembly of plasmonic nanoantennas
A. Heerwig, M. Lakatos, H. Brunner, E. Sperling, M. Mertig
4th Dresden Nanoanalysis Symposium Materials Modeling and Characterization, 15. Juni 2016, Dresden, Deutschland
Analysis of DNA origami gold hybrids by electron microscopy
A. Herms, K. Günther, E. Sperling, M. Mertig
4th Dresden Nanoanalysis Symposium Materials Modeling and Characterization, 15. Juni 2016, Dresden, Deutschland
Different routes of synthesis to new composite nanomaterials
J. Yao, M. Schelter, J. Zosel, E. Sperling, M. Mertig
4th Dresden Nanoanalysis Symposium Materials Modeling and Characterization, 15. Juni 2016, Dresden, Deutschland
Synthesis and characterisation of a polyothiophene-oligodeoxynucleotide block copolymer for the site-specific attachment to DNA origami
J. Zessin, S. Boye, F. Fischer, A. Heerwig, A. Kiriy, M. Mertig
18th International Symposium on Field- and Flow-Based Separations, 22.-26. Mai 2016, Dresden, Deutschland

Posterbeiträge 2015

Methods to prove the successful conjugation of quantum dots with DNA allowing their precise and predictable assembly
R. Weichelt, S. Leubner, M. Kruszynska, A. Dubavik, A. Heerwig, M. Lakatos, N. Gaponik, T.-L. S., M. Mertig, A. Eychmüller
601. WE-Heraeus-Seminar: DNA Nanotechnology Meets Plasmonics, 7.- 11. Dezember 2015, Bad Honnef, Deutschland
Development of a bioelectrochemical sensor platform for anaerobic digestion processes
J. Kretzschmar, J. Liebetrau, M. Mertig, F. Harnisch
14th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion, 15. - 18. November 2015, Vina del Mar, Chile
Komplexierende Glycopolymerfilme auf der Basis hochverzweigten Polyethylenimins zum Aufbau ionenselektiver Elektroden
J. Kluge, J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, M. Mertig, B. Voit, D. Appelhans
12. Dresdner Sensorsymposium, 7. - 9. Dezember 2015, Dresden , Deutschland
Komplexierende Glycopolymerfilme auf der Basis hochverzweigten Polyethylenimins zum Aufbau ionenselektiver Elektroden
J. Kluge, J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, M. Mertig, B. Voit, D. Appelhans
12. Dresdner Sensorsymposium, 7. - 9. Dezember 2015, Dresden , Deutschland
Mikroarrays bestehend aus pH-sensitiven Polymeren als Sonden für Sensoren basierend auf Oberflächenplasmonenresonanz
A. Kick, M. Mertig
12. Dresdner Sensorsymposium, 7. - 9. Dezember 2015, Dresden , Deutschland
Cyclovoltammetrische Bestimmung redoxaktiver Gase mittels eines Festelektrolytsensors
M. Schelter, J. Zosel, W. Oelßner, U. Guth, M. Mertig
12. Dresdner Sensorsymposium, 7. - 9. Dezember 2015, Dresden , Deutschland
Eine bioelektrochemische Sensorplattform zur Inline-Messung von Acetat im anaeroben Vergärungsprozess
J. Kretzschmar, J. Liebetrau, M. Mertig, F. Harnisch
12. Dresdner Sensorsymposium, 7. - 9. Dezember 2015, Dresden , Deutschland
Precise and controllable assembly of inorganic nanoparticles using DNA origami templates
S. Leubner, R. Weichelt, A. Heerwig, N. Gaponik, M. Mertig, A. Eychmüller
Nanoscale Assemblies of Semiconductor Nanocrystals, Metal Nanoparticles and Single Molecules: Theory, Experiment and Application (NANOSA15), 24. - 28. August 2015, Dresden, Deutschland
Site-specific attachment of polythiophene to DNA origami
F. Fischer, J. Zessin, A. Kiriy, M. Stamm, M. Mertig
21st International conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming (DNA21), 17. - 21. August 2015, Boston/Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Single DNA molecules in nanofluidic channels
E. Sperling, M. Hohlfeld, M. Mertig
Engineering of Functional Interfaces (EnFI 2015), 6. - 7. Juli 2015, Hannover, Deutschland
High-throughput structural characterization of DNA origami
F. Fischer, F. W. Schwarz, P. Gröger, S. Dietz, M. Mertig
Engineering of Functional Interfaces (EnFI 2015), 6. - 7. Juli 2015, Hannover, Deutschland
Design and construction of thermophoretic swimmers
A. Herms, K. Günther, A. Bregulla, F. Cichos, M. Mertig
Engineering of Functional Interfaces (EnFI 2015), 6. - 7. Juli 2015, Hannover, Deutschland
Synthesis of a polythiophene-oligonucleotide-conjugate for site-specific integration into DNA origami
J. Zessin, F. Fischer, A. Kiriy, M. Stamm, M. Mertig
Engineering of Functional Interfaces (EnFI 2015), 6. - 7. Juli 2015, Hannover, Deutschland
Mobility of a supported lipid bilayer on dispersed single-walled carbon nanotubes
J. Posseckardt, J. Zhang, M. Mertig
Engineering of Functional Interfaces (EnFI 2015), 6. - 7. Juli 2015, Hannover, Deutschland
Nanocomposite ceramics based on Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 and MgO
V. Vashook, J. Zosel, E. Sperling, K. Ahlborn, F. Gerlach, F. Fichtner, M. Schelter, U. Guth, M. Mertig
Engineering of Functional Interfaces (EnFI 2015), 6. - 7. Juli 2015, Hannover, Deutschland
Ce0.8Sm0.2-yGdy)1-xCaxO1.9-d/2 nanopowders: synthesis and characterisation
V. Vashook, J. Zosel, E. Sperling, N. Haufe, M. Mertig
2nd Dresden Nanoanalysis Symposium, Dresden, 2. Juli 2014
Heusler@CNT - Proof-of-concept for a versatile magnetic composite nanomaterial
M. Gellesch, M. Scholz, M. Haft, S. Hampel, S. Wurmehl, B. Büchner
International Workshop on Magnetic Nanowires and Nanotubes 2015, 17. - 20. Mai 2015, Meersburg, Deutschland
A Mn3O4@MWCNT composite as anode material for Li-ion batteries
A. Ottmann, P. Schneider, E. Thauer, M. Scholz, M. Haft, M. Gellesch, F. Hammerath, B. Büchner, S. Hampel, R. Klingeler
DPG-Verhandlungen, 15. - 20. März 2015, Berlin, Deutschland
Orthogonal sorting of single-walled carbon nanotubes by ultracentrifugation
L. Scharfenberg, M. Mertig
International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials (IWEPNM 2015), 7. - 14. März 2015, Kirchberg in Tirol, Österreich

Posterbeiträge 2014

Selective Placement of DNA Origami Nanotubes on Nanoimprinted Surfaces
L. Teng, A. Heerwig, M. Lakotos, S. Ramakrishnan, W.-J. Fischer, M. Mertig
13th International Conference on Nanoimprint and Nanoprint Technology (NNT 2014) 22.-24. Oktober 2014, Kyoto, Japan
Input/Output-Detektion im chemischen Mikroprozessor
A. Kleppisius, M. Mertig
17. Heiligenstädter Kolloquium, 22.-24. September 2014, Heilbad Heiligenstadt, Deutschland
Charakterisierung von Polyethylenglykol-Heparin-Hydrogelen mittels Impedanzspektroskopie
J. Posseckardt, M. Mertig
17. Heiligenstädter Kolloquium, 22.-24. September 2014, Heilbad Heiligenstadt, Deutschland
Bio-H2: Sensitive Analysis of Hydrogen
N. Haufe, M. Schelter, J. Zosel, M. Mertig
20th International Symposium on Seperation Sciences (ISSS), 30. August - 2. September 2014, Prag, Tschechien
Input/output detection in a chemical microprocessor
A. Kleppisius, M. Mertig
Engineering of Functional Interfaces 2014 (EnFi-2014), 14.-15. Juli 2014, Jülich, Deutschland
Preparation of nanoscaled intermetallic compounds inside Carbon Nanotubes
M. Haft, S. Hampel, S. Wurmehl, M. Grönke, B. Büchner, M. Mertig
Engineering of Functional Interfaces 2014 (EnFi-2014), 14. - 15. Juli 2014, Jülich, Deutschland
Characterization of pH-sensitive polymer layers
A. Kick, M. Mertig
Engineering of Functional Interfaces 2014 (EnFi-2014), 14. - 15. Juli 2014, Jülich, Deutschland
Characterization of Poly(Ethylene Glycol)-Heparin Hydrogels by means of Impedance Spectroscopy
J. Posseckardt, R. Zimmermann, C. Werner, M. Mertig
Engineering of Functional Interfaces 2014 (EnFi-2014), 14. - 15. Juli 2014, Jülich, Deutschland
From 2D to 1D functionalization: carbon nanotube based biomembrane sensor for curvature sensitive proteins
F. Ostermaier, L. Scharfenberg, K. Schneider, S. Henning, K. Ostermann, J. Posseckardt, M. Mertig
Engineering of Functional Interfaces 2014 (EnFi-2014), 14. - 15. Juli 2014, Jülich, Deutschland
Single DNA molecules in nanofluidic channels
Evgeni Sperling, Mandy Hohlfeld, Michael Mertig
Engineering of Functional Interfaces 2014 (EnFi-2014), 14. - 15. Juli 2014, Jülich, Deutschland
Sorting of single-walled carbon nanotubes by ultracentrifugation
L. Scharfenberg, M. Mertig
Engineering of Functional Interfaces 2014 (EnFi-2014), 14. - 15. Juli 2014, Jülich, Deutschland
Ce0.8(Sm0.2-yGdy)1-xCaxO1.9-δ/2 nanopowders: synthesis and characterisation
V. Vashook, J. Zosel, E. Sperling, N. Haufe, M. Mertig
2nd Dresden Nanoanalysis Symposium (DNS), 02. Juli 2014, Dresden, Deutschland
Controlled synthesis of Nanographene oxide for drug delivery
S. Makharzaa, G. Cirilloa, M. Mertig, S. Hampel
2nd Dresden Nanoanalysis Symposium (DNS), 02. Juli 2014, Dresden, Deutschland
Ionization, Molecular Architecture and Biointeractions of StarPEG-Heparin Hydrogels
R. Zimmermann, S. Bartsch, U. Bonda, J. Posseckardt, U. Freudenberg, M. Mertig, C. Werner
11th International Symposium on Electrokinetic Phenomena (ELKIN 2014), 20. - 23. Mai 2014, Gent, Belgien
Motility of DNA-functionalized Janus particles
K. Günther, A. Bregulla, F. Cichos, M. Mertig
DNA-Based Nanotechnology: Digital Chemistry (DNATEC14), International Workshop, 5. - 9. Mai 2014, Dresden, Deutschland
Single DNA molecules in nanofluidic channels
E. Sperling, M. Hohlfeld, M. Mertig
DNA-Based Nanotechnology: Digital Chemistry (DNATEC14), International Workshop, 5. - 9. Mai 2014, Dresden, Deutschland
Molecular barcoding for SPR-based DNA microarrays
A. Kick, M. Mertig
DNA-Based Nanotechnology: Digital Chemistry (DNATEC14), International Workshop, 5. - 9. Mai 2014, Dresden, Deutschland
EGNAS: A software for exhaustive DNA sticky end design
A. Kick, M. Mertig
DNA-Based Nanotechnology: Digital Chemistry (DNATEC14), International Workshop, 5. - 9. Mai 2014, Dresden, Deutschland
FRET studies on conformational changes of a DNA tube
E. Schreyer, M. Mertig
DNA-Based Nanotechnology: Digital Chemistry (DNATEC14), International Workshop, 5. - 9. Mai 2014, Dresden, Deutschland
Using DNA origami as templates for the precise assembly of inorganic nanoparticles
S. Leubner, M. Kruszynska, A. Henning, A. Heerwig, S.G. Hickey, M. Mertig, A. Eychmüller
DNA-Based Nanotechnology: Digital Chemistry (DNATEC14), International Workshop, 5. - 9. Mai 2014, Dresden, Deutschland
Nanoscaled intermetallic compounds - towards novel functionalities
M. Haft, S. Hampel, S. Wurmehl, M. Grönke, M. Scholz, M. Mertig, B. Büchner
International meeting on the chemistry of graphene and carbon nanotubes (ChemOnTubes 2014), 30. März - 3. April 2014, Riva del Garda, Italien

Posterbeiträge 2013

Zellrasen-Adhäsions-Messungen an Dünnschicht-Impedanzstrukturen - 3Dcellsens
W. Fichtner, S. Päßler, M. Mertig, Th. Frank, I. Tobehn, A. Steinke
11. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, 9.-11. Dezember 2013
Inline-Messung organischer Säuren in Biogasmedien
M. Schelter, J. Zosel, W. Oelßner, E. Ritzi, V. Wragge, B. Habermann, M. Mertig
11. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, 9.-11. Dezember 2013
Potentiometrische Bestimmung von Ca2+ mit All-Solid-State-Elektroden
J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, M. Mertig
11. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, 9.-11. Dezember 2013
Funktionale Polymere für ionenselektive Elektroden
J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, D. Appelhans, J. Kluge, B. Voit, M. Mertig
11. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, 9.-11. Dezember 2013
Mobile Versuchsanlage zur Ertragssteigerung und Prozessoptimierung von Biogasanlagen
J. Zosel, A. Klockow, M. Schelter, W. Oelßner, P. Zimmermann, R. Winterberg, M. Mertig
11. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, 9.-11. Dezember 2013
Detektion der Bindung von Biomolekülen an Biohybrid-Hydrogele mittels SPR und elektrokinetischen Messungen
J. Posseckardt, R. Zimmermann, C. Werner, M. Mertig
11. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, 9.-11. Dezember 2013
Biogene Wasserstoffproduktion und deren Analytik
N. Haufe, F. Krujatz, J. Weber, S. Grützner, M. Schelter, J. Zosel, M. Mertig
11. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, 9.-11. Dezember 2013
pH-sensitive Beschichtung für SPR-basierte Sensoren
A. Kick, S. Rauch, P. Uhlmann, M. Stamm, M. Mertig
11. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, 9.-11. Dezember 2013
Design eines resorbierbaren textilen Scaffolds mit inkorporierter Kollagenmatrix für das Tissue Engineering des vorderen Kreuzbandes
C. Hinüber, N. Drechsel, J. Hahner, A. Breier, H. Brünig, M. Meyer, G. Heinrich
DGBM 2013, Erlangen, 26.-28.09.2013
Controlled assembly of higher-order DNA origami structures
A. Henning, M. Mertig
19th International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming, September 22-27, 2013, Arizona State University, Tempe
Dynamics of single DNA molecules in spatial confinement
E. Sperling, R. Sczech, M. Mertig
Diffusion Fundamentals V, Leipzig, 26. - 28. August 2013
Bio-hydrogen - a novel biotechnological approach
N. Haufe, F. Krujatz, S. Grützner, M. Schelter, G. Hilpmann, R. Illing, S. Thierfelder, G. Bienert, J. Hermann, M. Scholz, J. Weber, J. Zosel, T. Bley, M. Mertig
9th Molecular Interactions workshop "next generation biotechnology", Berlin, 14.-16. August 2013
Surface Plasmon Resonance-based DNA microarrays: A hybridization study with different target sizes
K.L. Jiménez-Monroy, A. Kick, P. Wagner, M. Mertig
EnFi-2013, Hasselt, 8.-9. Juli 2013
Mikroorganismen zur Erzeugung von regenerativem Biowasserstoff
N. Haufe, F. Krujatz, S. Grützner, G. Hilpmann, R. Illing, S. Thierfelder, J. Herrmann, G. Bienert, T. Bley, J. Weber
EMAS Festveranstaltung, Dresden, 19. Juni 2013
Continues Conformational Change of DNA Origami Tubes Using Divalent Ions
A. Henning, M. Wiens, A. K. Dwivedi, N. Haufe, M. Mertig
1st Dresden Nanoanalysis Symposium, Dresden, 26. April 2013
Design, Assembly and Enlargment of a tPad Origami Structure
A. Henning, F. Fischer, E. Schreyer, M. Mertig
1st Dresden Nanoanalysis Symposium, Dresden, 26. April 2013
Nanopatterning of Polydimethylsiloxane with Focused Ion Beam
E. Sperling, M. Göbel, P. Formanek, F. Ostermaier, M. Mertig
1st Dresden Nanoanalysis Symposium, Dresden, 26. April 2013
The Route Towards Ternary Nanoparticle-Filled CNT
M. Haft, T. Gemming, S. Hampel, S. Wuhrmehl, M. Mertig, B. Büchner
1st Dresden Nanoanalysis Symposium, Dresden, 26. April 2013
Mikroorganismen zur Erzeugung von regenerativem Biowasserstoff
F. Krujatz, N. Becher, N. Haufe, R. Illing, S. Thierfelder, J. Herrmann, G. Bienert, S. Grützner, G. Hilpmann, T. Bley, J. Weber
Transferveranstaltung Dresdner Biotechnologen: Naturstoffe Energie Umwelt, Dresden, 25. März 2013
Sorting of single-walled carbon nanotubes by means of gel permeation chromatography
F. Ostermaier, M. Mertig
International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, IWEPNM, Kirchberg (Tirol), 2.-9. März 2013
Investigation of THz absorption on single-walled carbon nanotubes
F. Ostermaier, H.-G. von Ribbeck, L. Eng, M. Mertig
DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2013, Regensburg, 10.-15. März 2013
Sequenzgenerierung für DNA-Chips
A. Kick, W. Brabetz, M. Bönsch, A. Herr, C. Hiller, M. Mertig
8. Deutsches BioSensor-Symposium 2013, Wildau, 10.-13. März 2013

Posterbeiträge 2012

A Solid Electrolyte Sensor for Trace Gas Analysis
M. Schelter, J. Zosel, W. Oelßner, U. Guth, M. Mertig
IMCS 2012 - The 14th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors, Nürnberg, 20.-23. Mai 2012
DOI: 10.5162/IMCS2012/P2.6.2
A Novel Patch Micro Electrode Array for Sensing Ionic Membrane Currents
L. Aryasomayajula, S. Perike, R. Hensel, J. Posseckardt, G. Gerlach, R. H. W. Funk
Spring Workshop 2012 - Interfacial Chemistry and Surface Modification, Chemnitz, 2. - 4. Mai 2012
Cu-CNT Composites: From Dispersion to Electrochemical Deposition
L. Aryasomayajula, F. Ostermaier
Spring Workshop 2012 - Interfacial Chemistry and Surface Modification, Chemnitz, 2. - 4. Mai 2012
Polymer Coatings of DNA Chips for Enzyme-Supported Genotyping
A. Kick, C. Hiller, M. Müller, M. Bönsch, D. Appelhans, M. Jung, M. Mertig.
13th Dresden Polymer Discussion and 8th Max Bergmann Symposium, Meißen, 1. - 4. April 2012.
Rotational Behavior of Thermophoretic Driven Janus Particles at a Hard Wall
A. Bregulla, R. Seidel, M. Mertig, K. Kroy, F. Chichos
76. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Berlin, 25. - 30. März 2012
Directed Connection of Six-Helix DNA-Origami Bundles into Higher Ordered Structures
A. Henning, A. K. Dwivedi, M. Wiens, N. Haufe, M. Mertig
Biochemical society conference on Bionanotechnology III: from biomolecular assembly to applications, Cambridge (UK), 4. - 6. Januar 2012

Posterbeiträge 2011

Covalently linked DNA Nanotubes
A. Henning, O. I. Wilner, B. Shlyahovsky, I. Willner, M.Mertig
MRS Directed Self-Assembly of Materials Workshop, Nashville (USA), 18. September -01. Oktober 2011
Controlled formation of DNA Nanotubes
A. Henning, O. I. Wilner, R. Orbach, M. Wiens, A. K. Dwivedi, N. Haufe, I. Willner, M. Mertig
DNA17, Pasadena (USA), 19-23. September 2011
Self-rolling polymeric microtubes
E. Sperling, S. Zakharchenko, L. Ionov, M. Stamm
110th Bunsentagung, Berlin, 2. - 4. Juni 2011
Oberflächenplasmonenresonanzspektroskopie für den spezifischen Nachweis von Antikörpern gegen Mycoplasma synoviae aus Geflügelseren
M. Bönsch, A. Kick, W. Brabetz und M. Mertig
7. Deutschen BioSensor Symposium 2011, Heilbad Heiligenstadt, 3. - 6. April 2011
Charakterisierung der Interaktion einer Doppellipidschicht mit dispergierten Kohlenstoffnanoröhren
J. Posseckardt, J. Zhang und M. Mertig
7. Deutschen BioSensor Symposium 2011, Heilbad Heiligenstadt, 3. - 6. April 2011
Online-Sensorik für die Überwachung und Optimierung von Biogas-Prozessen
J. Zosel, M. Schelter, F. Berthold, W. Oelßner, U. Guth, M. Mertig und P. Zimmermann
7. Deutschen BioSensor Symposium 2011, Heilbad Heiligenstadt, 3. - 6. April 2011
Formation of DNA Tubes and Attachment of Nanoparticles
Matthew Wiens, Awadesh Dwivedi, Nora Haufe, Anja Henning and Michael Mertig
75. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG Frühjahrstagung Dresden, 13. - 18. März 2011
Synthesis of covalently linked DNA structures
Anja Henning, Ofer I. Wilner, Bella Shlyahovsky, Michael Mertig and Itamar Willner
75. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG Frühjahrstagung Dresden, 13. - 18. März 2011
Shear-flow enhanced conformational fluctuations of single-tethered DNA molecules
Katrin Günther, Kristin Laube and Michael Mertig
75. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG Frühjahrstagung Dresden, 13. - 18. März 2011
Einflüsse von Polymeren auf die Kollagenassemblierung
Nora Haufe, Doreen Naumburger, Sébastien Garnier, Günter Scherr, Volker Bach und Michael Mertig
75. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG Frühjahrstagung Dresden, 13. - 18. März 2011
Dynamische Separation von Kohlenstoffnanoröhren
Frieder Ostermaier, Juliane Posseckardt und Michael Mertig
75. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG Frühjahrstagung Dresden, 13. - 18. März 2011
Gold Capped Microparticles as Self-Propelled Switchable Swimmers
Andreas Bregulla, Markus Selmke, Ralf Seidel, Michael Mertig, Klaus Kroy and Frank Cichos
75. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG Frühjahrstagung Dresden, 13. - 18. März 2011

Posterbeiträge 2010

Spezifischer Nachweis von Mycoplasma synoviae aus Geflügelseren mittels Oberflächenplasmonenresonanzspektroskopie
M. Boensch, A. Kick, W. Brabetz, M. Mertig
7. Max-Bergmann-Symposium, Dresden, November 2010
Plattformtechnologie basierend auf Oberflächenplasmonenresonanzspektroskopie für DNA-Mikroarrays zur schnellen Detektion von Hybridisierungen
A. Kick, M. Boensch, A. Herr, W. Brabetz, M. Jung, F. Sonntag, M. Mertig
7. Max-Bergmann-Symposium, Dresden, November 2010
Spezifischer Nachweis von Antikörpern aus Geflügelseren mittels Oberflächenplasmonenresonanzspektroskopie
M. Boensch, A. Kick, W. Brabetz, M. Mertig
39. Deutscher Lebensmittelchemikertag 2010, Stuttgart-Hohenheim, September 2010
Assemblierung von Kollagen unter Polymerzugabe
N. Haufe, D. Naumburger, S. Garnier, T. Taeger, G. Scherr, V. Bach, M. Mertig
15. Heiligenstädter Kolloquium "Technische Systeme für die Lebenswissenschaften", Heilbad Heiligenstadt, September 2010
Design of a modular immunoassay with high reproducibility using simple enzyme-based chemiluminescence detection
A. Eubisch, M. Mertig, W. Pompe
Analytica 2010, München, April 2010
Influence of growth technique and sorting of CNT for efficient mode-locking of fiber lasers
A. Cabasse, A. Khadour, G. Martel, B. Tretout, S. Maine, A. Loiseau, R. Fleurier, J.-S. Lauret, A. Ambrosio, P. Maddalena, V. Grossi, M. Passacantando, S. Santucci, O. Jost, M. Mertig, J. Posseckardt
ChemOnTubes, Arcachon (Frankreich), April 2010
Optical trapping and measurements on carbon nanotubes fibers
C. Romano, A. Ambrosio, P. Maddalena, A. Cabasse, A. Khadour, G. Martel, J.-S. Lauret, V. Grossi, M. Passacantando, S. Santucci, O. Jost, M. Mertig, J. Posseckardt
ChemOnTubes, Arcachon (Frankreich), April 2010
Optical properties of carbon nanotubes sorted according to their electronic structure by using a density gradient centrifugation
Y. Battie, R. Fleurier, J. Posseckardt, J.-S. Lauret, A. Loiseau
ChemOnTubes, Arcachon (Frankreich), April 2010

Vorträge 2022

Development of a miniaturized electrochemical sensor for on-site nitrate monitoring
M. Brandão Silva de Assis, A. Kick, J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, M. Mertig
8th RSE SEE & 9th Kurt Schwabe symposium, 11. - 15.07.2022, Graz, Österreich
Approaches to voltammetric detection of As(III) and As(V) in mining waters for in-situ application
J. Weißpflog, M. Mertig
8th RSE SEE & 9th Kurt Schwabe symposium, 11. - 15.07.2022, Graz, Österreich
Preparation and applications of biopolymer-modified electrochemical sensors
A. Svirepa, J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, S. Schwarz, M. Mertig
8th RSE SEE & 9th Kurt Schwabe symposium, 11. - 15.07.2022, Graz, Österreich
Miniaturized hydrogen gas sensor system for safety monitoring
J. Zosel, P. Sood, M. Mertig, O. Herrmann, M. Woratz
8th RSE SEE & 9th Kurt Schwabe symposium, 11. - 15.07.2022, Graz, Österreich
Measurement of hydrogen peroxide vapour with mixed potential solid electrolyte sensors
J. Zosel, A. Müller, D. Lison, U. Guth, M. Mertig
8th RSE SEE & 9th Kurt Schwabe symposium, 11. - 15.07.2022, Graz, Österreich

Vorträge 2021

All-solid-state electrodes for potentiometric ion analysis
A. Svirepa, J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, M. Mertig
3rd Cross-Border Seminar on Electroanalytical Chemistry (CBSEC), 08. - 09 April 2021, virtual
Chromatographic on-site sensor system for hydrogen leakage monitoring
P. Sood, J. Zosel, M. Mertig
3rd Cross-Border Seminar on Electroanalytical Chemistry (CBSEC), 08. - 09. April 2021, virtual
Impedimetrische Sensoren zur Überwachung von Deichbauwerken
W. Fichtner, M. Mertig, D. Fleischer, U. Helbig
26. Interdisziplinäre Wissenschaftliche Konferenz Mittweida (IWKM), 14. - 15 April 2021, virtual
Multiple Gas Detection by Dynamic Electrochemical Methods
A. Ruchets, J. Zosel, N. Donker, D. Schönauer-Kamin, R. Moos, U. Guth, M. Mertig
SMSI 2021, Sensor and Measurement Science International, 03. - 06. May 2021, virtual
Failure Analysis of Overloaded Coulometric Hydrogen Sensor
A. Graff, W. Münchgesang, F. Altmann, C. Himcinschi, T. Köhler, P. Sood, J. Zosel, M. Mertig
SMSI 2021, Sensor and Measurement Science International, 03. - 06. May 2021, virtual
Convection influence on redox potential measurements at hot platinum electrodes
A. Ruchets, N. Donker, D. Schönauer-Kamin, R. Moos, J. Zosel, U. Guth, M. Mertig
18th International Meeting on chemical sensors, 18th IMCS, USA, 30. May - 03 June 2021, virtual
Biopolymer-modified electrodes for electrochemical determination of pollutants
A. Svirepa, J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, D. Schwarz, S. Schwarz, M. Mertig
International Conference on Biopolymers and Bioplastics, 21. - 22. June 2021, virtual
Biopolymer-modified electrodes for electrochemical determination of pollutants in water
A. Svirepa, J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, D. Schwarz, S. Schwarz, M. Mertig
1st Physical Chemistry Dresden Training conference, 15. July 2021, Dresden, Germany
On-site environmental monitoring of water quality
M. Mertig
07. August 2021, University of Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
Putting DNA origami-based nanostructures in stable motion
M. Mertig, F. Kroener, L. Traxler, A. Heerwig, A. Kick, J. Lenhart, T. Welte, W. Kaiser, U. Rant
DySoN-ISACC 2021, 18. - 22 October 2021, Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy
Biopolymer-basierte Sensoren für die Umweltanalytik
A. Svirepa, J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, M. Mertig
32. Seminar des "Arbeitskreises Elektrochemie in Sachsen", 19. November 2021, virtual
Prozess- und Sicherheitssensorik für das Wasserstoff-Qualitätsmanagement - Neuentwicklungen im Vorhaben HyProS
J. Zosel, M. Mertig
Berlin Brandenburger Optik-Tag, 29. November 2021, virtual
Zweistufige Verfahrensführung zur Flexibilisierung der Biogasproduktion
E. Janesch, A. Lemoine, S. Junne, P. Neubauer, R.R. Retamal Marín, J. Zosel, M. Mertig
10. Statuskonferenz des BMWi-Forschungsnetzwerkes Bioenergie, Titel "Bioenergie - eine Partnerin für alle Fälle", 29. - 30 November 2021, Deutschland, virtual
Monitoring der Sättigungszustände von Deichbauwerken mittels impedimetrischer Sensoren
W. Fichtner, M. Mertig, D. Fleischer, U. Helbig
15. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, 06. - 08 December 2021, Dresden, virtual
Sensoren für die zukünftige Wasserstoffwirtschaft
J. Zosel, M. Mertig
15. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, 06. - 08. December 2021, Dresden, virtual

Vorträge 2020

Biopolymer-basierte All-Solid-State-Elektroden für die Bestimmung von Ionen in Gewässerproben
A. Svirepa, J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, M. Mertig
30. Seminar des Arbeitskreises Elektrochemie in Sachsen, 07. February 2020, Freiberg, Germany
Ionenselektive All-Solid-State-Elektroden für Anwendungen in der mobilen Umweltanalytik
J. Schwarz, A. Svirepa, K. Trommer, M. Mertig
30. Seminar des Arbeitskreises Elektrochemie in Sachsen, 07. February 2020, Freiberg, Germany
Hochempfindliches Messsystem für das Sicherheitsmonitoring von Wasserstoffanlagen
J. Zosel, P. Sood, M. Mertig, M. Woratz, O. Herrmann
simul+-Fachforum "Wasserstoff-Technologie, Prozesssicherheit und Regionalentwicklung", 23. September 2020, Meinsberg, Germany
HyProS: Neue Sensorlösungen für die Wasserstoffwirtschaft
M. Mertig, O. Kiesewetter
6. HYPOS-Forum, 03. - 04. November 2020, virtual
Neue Sensoren für Umweltmonitoring, Landwirtschaft und regenerative Energien
M. Mertig
Virtuelle Konferenz mit chinesischen Umweltexperten, Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH, Dresden, 11. - 13. November 2020, virtual

Vorträge 2019

DNA origami-based nanostructures in stable motion
M. Mertig, F. Kröner, L. Traxler, A. Heerwig, W. Kaiser, U. Rant
Nantech2019 - Nucleic Acid Nanotechnology: from algorithmic design to biochemical applications, Aalto University, 27. - 29. Mai 2019, Espoo, Finnland
Use of cyclovoltammetry for selective solid electrolyte sensors
A. Ruchets, N. Donker, D. Schönauer-Kamin, R. Moos, J. Zosel, U. Guth, M. Mertig
2nd Cross-Border Seminar on Electroanalytical Chemistry (CBSEC), 10. - 12 April 2019, Budweis, Czech Republic
Development and characterization of a highly sensitive hydrogen sensor system
P. Sood, J. Zosel, M. Mertig
2nd Cross-Border Seminar on Electroanalytical Chemistry (CBSEC), 10. - 12 April 2019, Budweis, Czech Republic
Coulometric titration of oxygen in the picomol range
A. Herms, J. Yao, J. Zosel, W. Oelßner, M. Mertig
7th & 8th Kurt Schwabe Symposium, 27. - 30. May 2019, Split, Croatia
Selective multi-gas measurements with solid electrolyte cells operated by cyclovoltammetry
A Ruchets, N. Donker, D. Schönauer-Kamin, R. Moos, J. Zosel, U. Guth, M. Mertig
7th & 8th Kurt Schwabe Symposium, 27. - 30. May 2019, Split, Croatia
Environmental monitoring and smart farming with biological and electrochemical sensors
C. Schirmer, M. Mertig
14th Silicon Saxony Day, 18. June 2019, Dresden, Germany
Einsatz der Cyclovoltammetrie zur Steigerung der Selektivität von Festelektrolytsensoren
A. Ruchets, N. Donker, D. Schönauer-Kamin, R. Moos, J. Zosel, U. Guth, M. Mertig
20. GMA/ITG Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme 2019, 25. - 26. June 2019, Nürnberg, Germany
Development and characterization of a highly selective hydrogen sensor system
P. Sood, J. Zosel, M. Mertig, W. Oelßner, A. Klockow, O. Herrmann, M. Woratz
20. GMA/ITG Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme 2019, 25. - 26. June 2019, Nürnberg, Germany
Prozess- und Sicherheitssensorik für das Wasserstoff-Qualitätsmanagement
J. Zosel, M. Eiserbeck, A. Hebestreit, T. Frosch, O. Kiesewetter, M. Wienecke, F. Altmann, M. Mertig
20. GMA/ITG Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme 2019, 25. - 26. June 2019, Nürnberg, Germany
Sauerstofftitration mittels Festelektrolytsensoren im Picomol-Bereich
A. Herms, J. Yao, J. Zosel, W. Oelßner, M. Mertig
29. Seminar des "Arbeitskreises Elektrochemie in Sachsen", 12. July 2019, Meinsberg, Germany
Selektive Festelektrolyt-Gassensoren durch Anwendung der Cyclovoltammetrie
A. Ruchets, N. Donker, D. Schönauer-Kamin, R. Moos, J. Zosel, U. Guth, M. Mertig
29. Seminar des "Arbeitskreises Elektrochemie in Sachsen", 12. July 2019, Meinsberg, Germany
Putting DNA origami-based nanostructures in stable motion
M. Mertig, F. Kröner, L. Traxler, A. Heerwig, W. Kaiser, U. Rant
8th International Conference on DNA Nanotechnology, 24. - 27 July 2019, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China
Selektive Gasmessung mit cyclovoltammetrisch betriebenen Festelektrolytsensoren
A. Ruchets, N. Donker, J. Zosel, D. Schönauer-Kamin, R. Moos, U. Guth, M. Mertig
14. Dresdner Sensorsymposium, 02. - 04. December 2019, Dresden, Germany
Entwicklung und Erprobung eines hochsensitiven und miniaturisierten Wasserstoffmesssystems
P. Sood, J. Zosel, W. Oelßner, M. Mertig, O. Herrmann, M. Woratz
14. Dresdner Sensorsymposium, 02. - 04. December 2019, Dresden, Germany

Vorträge 2018

Feasibility of magnetic nanoparticles encapsulated inside carbon nanotubes for hyperthermia
R. Ghunaim, S. Hampel, R. Klingeler, B. Büchner
Nanotech France 2018, the 4th edition of Nanotech France 2018 International Conference and Exhibition, 27. - 29. Juni 2018, Paris, Frankreich
DNA origami-based nanostructures in motion
A. Heerwig, M. Mertig, F. Kröner, W. Kaiser, U. Rant
Third Functional DNA Nanotechnology Workshop (FDN 2018), 6. - 8. Juni 2018, Rom, Italien
DNA origami-based nanostructures in motion
M. Mertig, F. Kröner, A. Heerwig, W. Kaiser, U. Rant
7th International Conference on DNA Nanotechnology, 1. - 4. Juni 2018, Southwest University, Chongqing, China
Ionenselektive All-Solid-State Dickschichtelektroden für die Umweltanalytik
J. Schwarz, U. Enseleit, K. Trommer, F. Gerlach, M. Mertig
27. Seminar des Arbeitskreises Elektrochemie in Sachsen, 05. March 2018; wo?
Highly-sensitive coulometric titration of oxygen for the characterization of solid materials at elevated temperatures
A. Herms, J. Yao, J. Zosel, M. Schelter, W. Oelßner, V. Vashook, M. Mertig
1st Cross-Border Seminar on Electroanalytical Chemistry (ELACh), 04. - 06. April 2018, Furth im Wald, Germany
Synthesis and characterization of new composite materials of doped ceria and magnesia
J. Yao, J. Zosel, W. Oelßner, M. Mertig
1st Cross-Border Seminar on Electroanalytical Chemistry (ELACh), 04. - 06. April 2018, Furth im Wald, Germany
Oxygen solid electrolyte coulometry: Chances, challenges and new approaches
J. Zosel, A. Herms, M. Schelter, V. Vashook, U. Guth, M. Mertig
17th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors, IMCS 2018, 15 - 19. July 2018, Vienna, Austria
Umweltmonitoring mit Biosensoren
C. Schirmer, J. Posseckardt, M. Mertig
3. Zukunftsforum simul+, 22. August 2018, Radebeul, Germany
Solid-contact Ion-selective Electrodes for Environmental Analysis
J. Schwarz, U. Enseleit, K. Trommer, M. Mertig
1st International Conference on Ion Analysis - ICIA 2018, 09. - 13. September 2018, Berlin, Germany
Highly sensitive coulometric titration of oxygen for the characterization of solid materials at elevated temperatures
A. Herms, J. Yao, J. Zosel, V. Vashook, W. Oelßner, M. Mertig
3rd International Conference on Advanced Energy Materials (AEM2018), 10. - 12. September 2018, Guildford, UK
New composite material based on ceria and magnesia
J. Yao, J. Zosel, W. Oelßner, M. Mertig
3rd International Conference on Advanced Energy Materials (AEM2018), 10. - 12. September 2018, Guildford, UK
Effekte der Peakverbreiterung durch Sintervorgänge an Gadolinium-dotierten Ceroxidproben
W. Fichtner, J. Yao, W. Oelßner, J. Zosel, M. Mertig
Anwendertreffen XRD 25. - 26. September 2018, Dresden, Germany
Synthesis and characterization of new composite ceramics based on gadolinium-doped ceria and magnesia nanoparticles
J. Yao, J. Zosel, W. Oelßner, M. Mertig
Materials Science and Engineering 2018, 26. - 28 September 2018, Darmstadt, Germany
Synthesis and characterization of new composite ceramics based on gadolinium-doped ceria and magnesia nanoparticles
J. Yao, J. Zosel, W. Oelßner, M. Mertig
Materials Science and Engineering 2018, 26. - 28. September 2018, Darmstadt, Germany
Coulometrische Festelektrolytsensoren - Chancen, Herausforderungen und neue Ansätze
J. Zosel, A. Herms, J. Yao, M. Schelter, V. Vashook, U. Guth, M. Mertig
5. Fachsymposium des HybridSensorNet e.V. 14. - 15. November 2018, Karlsruhe, Germany

Vorträge 2017

Artificial DNA architectures
M. Mertig
11th International Workshop on Innovation and Commercialization of Micro & Nanotechnology (ICMAN 2017) 19. - 21. November 2017, Chongqing, China
Positioning of a semiconducting polythiophene on a DNA origami template
J. Zessin, F. Fischer, A. Heerwig, A. Kick, B. Voit, A. Kiriy, M. Mertig
International Workshop on Advanced 3D Patterning (ad3pa), 04. - 05. October 2017, Dresden, Germany
DNA origami-templated formation of semiconducting polythiophene wires
J. Zessin, F. Fischer, A. Heerwig, A. Kick, A. Kiriy, B. Voit, M. Mertig
European Conference on Molecular Electronics 2017, 29. August - 02 September 2017, Dresden, Germany
Thermophoretic nanoswimmers and trapping
M. Mertig, A. Herms, K. Günther, E. Sperling, A. Kick, R. Schachoff, M. Braun, A.P. Bregulla, F. Cichos
XXVI International Materials Research Congress (IMRC 2017), 20. - 25. August 2017, Cancún, Mexico
DNA origami-based nanostructures in motion
M. Mertig
The Biodesign Institute, ASU, 18. August 2017 Tempe, USA
Monitoring of Saccharomyces cerevisiae viability by non-Faradaic impedance spectroscopy using interdigitated screen-printed platinum electrodes
J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, F. Gerlach, M. Mertig
26. Seminar des Arbeitskreises Elektrochemie in Sachsen, 10. July 2017, Meinsberg, Germany
Monitoring of Saccharomyces cerevisiae viability by non-Faradaic impedance spectroscopy using interdigitated screen-printed platinum electrodes
J. Posseckardt, C. Schirmer, A. Kick, K. Rebatschek, T. Lamz, M. Mertig
26. Seminar des Arbeitskreises Elektrochemie in Sachsen, 10. July 2017, Meinsberg, Germany
Optischer Ganzzellsensor zur Erfassung von Arzneimittelrückständen elektronische und gerätetechnische Aspekte
W. Fichtner, J. Posseckardt, C., Schirmer, M. Mertig, A. T. Winzer, I. Tobehn-Steinhäuser, A. Schuller, G. Rödel, K. Ostermann
"elmug4future", 27. - 28. June 2017, Friedrichroda, Germany
Selbstorganisierende Fängerschichten in biologischen Mikroarrays
A. Kick
18. Wörlitzer Workshop: Selbstorganisierende Schichtstrukturen, 19. - 20. June 2017, Wörlitz, Germany
Biomimetische Ansätze zum Aufbau funktioneller Materialien
M. Mertig
18. Wörlitzer Workshop: Selbstorganisierende Schichtstrukturen, 19. - 20. June 2017, Wörlitz, Germany
Automatisiertes Online-Messsystem zur Bestimmung flüchtiger Fettsäuren in Biogasprozessen
J. Zosel, M. Schelter, A. Klockow, M. Schlegel, M. Mertig
11. Rostocker Bioenergieforum, 22. - 23. June 2017, Rostock, Germany
Selective solid electrolyte sensors for trace gas concentrations
J. Zosel, M. Schelter, C. Vonau, U. Guth, M. Mertig
SENSOR 2017 (AMA Conferences), the 18th International Conference on Sensors and Measurement Technology, 30. Mai - 01. June 2017, Nürnberg, Germany
Measurement and control of humidity traces in gases with solid electrolyte cells
J. Zosel, M. Schelter, U. Guth, M. Mertig
SENSOR 2017 (AMA Conferences), the 18th International Conference on Sensors and Measurement Technology, 30. May - 01. June 2017, Nürnberg, Germany
Semiconducting polythiophenes on a 2D DNA origami template
J. Zessin, F. Fischer, A. Heerwig, A. Kiriy, M. Mertig
International Workshop on Future Trends in DNA-based Nanotechnology (dnatec17), 29. May - 02. June 2017, Dresden, Germany
Electrical actuation of a DNA origami nanolever on an electrode
F. Kröner, A. Heerwig, W. Kaiser, M. Mertig, U. Rant
International Workshop on Future Trends in DNA-based Nanotechnology (dnatec17), 29. May - 02. June 2017, Dresden, Germany
Hot Nanostructures
M. Braun, R. Schachoff, A. Bregulla, K. Günther, M. Mertig, F. Cichos
International Workshop on Future Trends in DNA-based Nanotechnology (dnatec17), 29. May - 02. June 2017, Dresden, Germany
DNA-based assembly of plasmonic nanoantennas
M. Lakatos, H. Brunner, D. Pohl, A. Heerwig, B. Rellinghaus, M. Mertig
DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2017, 13. - 17. March 2017, Dresden, Germany

Vorträge 2016

Monitoring of Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolic activity on interdigitated platinum electrodes using impedance spectroscopy
Christine Schirmer, Juliane Posseckardt, Wolfgang Fichtner, Michael Mertig
Bionection, 18.-19. Oktober 2016, Halle, Deutschland
Construction and characterization of artificial thermophoretic micro- and nanoswimmers
Katrin Günther, Alexander Herms, Andreas Paul Bregulla, Frank Cichos, Michael Mertig
International Conference: Microswimmers - From Single Particle Motion to Collective Behaviour, 04.-07. Oktober 2016, Bonn, Deutschland
Trace gas measurements with zirconia sensors: An overview
Matthias Schelter, Jens Zosel, Vladimir Vashook, Ulrich Guth, Wolfram Oelßner, Michael Mertig
2nd International Conference on Sensors and Electronic Instrumental Advances, SEIA 2016, 22.-23. September 2016, Barcelona, Spain
SPR-Studie zu temperatursensitiven Pluronic-F-127-Schichten
Alfred Kick, Katrin Günther, Michael Mertig
18. Heiligenstädter Kolloquium 19.-21. September 2016, Heilbad Heiligenstadt, Deutschland
Impedimetrische Bestimmung der Stoffwechselaktivität von Saccharomyces cerevisiae mit planaren Platin-Dickschichtelektroden
Juliane Posseckardt, Christine Schirmer, Wolfgang Fichtner, Michael Mertig
18. Heiligenstädter Kolloquium 19.-21. September 2016, Heilbad Heiligenstadt, Deutschland
Dynamic measurements with solid electrolyte sensors
Jens Zosel, Matthias Schelter, Wolfram Oelßner, Ulrich Guth, Michael Mertig
7th Kurt-Schwabe-Symposium, 04.-07. September 2016, Mittweida, Deutschland
Novel bismuth-modified screen-printed voltammetric sensors for mobile trace heavy metal ion determinations
Johannes Schwarz, Katrin Trommer, Frank Gerlach, Michael Bukowski, Carsten Schilling, Linda-Claudia Voges-Papp, Jörg-Tilman Heyl, Michael Mertig
7th Kurt-Schwabe-Symposium, 04.-07. September 2016, Mittweida, Deutschland
Monitoring of Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolic activity on interdigitated platinum electrodes using impedance spectroscopy
Christine Schirmer, Juliane Posseckardt, Wolfgang Fichtner, Michael Mertig
7th Kurt-Schwabe-Symposium, 04.-07. September 2016, Mittweida, Deutschland
Monitoring of trace gas concentrations with coulometric solid electrolyte sensors
Matthias Schelter, Jens Zosel, Wolfram Oelßner, Frank Gerlach, Kristina Ahlborn, Ulrich Guth, Michael Mertig
7th Kurt-Schwabe-Symposium, 04.-07. September 2016, Mittweida, Deutschland
Fast sensor response of pH-sensitive polymer microarrays detected by surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy
Alfred Kick, Michael Mertig
7th Kurt-Schwabe-Symposium, 04.-07. September 2016, Mittweida, Deutschland
Site-specific attachment of a semiconducting polythiophene-derivate on DNA origami
Michael Mertig, Johanna Zessin, Franziska Fischer, Andreas Heerwig, Alfred Kick, Anton Kiriy
5th International Conference on DNA Nanotechnology, 04.-07. Juli 2016, Nanking, China
Thermophoretic swimmers and trapping
Michael Mertig, Alexander Herms, Katrin Günther, Evgeni Sperling, Alfred Kick, Marco Braun, Andreas P. Bregulla, Frank Cichos
2nd Workshop on Functional DNA Nanotechnology (FDN16), 22.-24. Juni 2016, Rom, Italien
Trace gas measurements with zirconia sensors: An overview
Matthias Schelter, Jens Zosel, Vladimir Vashook, Ulrich Guth, Wolfram Oelßner and Michael Mertig
2nd International Conference on Sensors and Electronic Instrumental Advances (SEIA' 2016), 22.-23. September 2016, Barcelona, Castelldefels, Spain
Entwicklung eines "lebenden" bioelektrochemischen Sensors zur online Messung von Acetat im Biogasprozess
J. Kretzschmar, J. Liebetrau, M. Mertig, F. Harnisch
9. Innovationskongress Biogas, 26.-27. April 2016, Osnabrück, Deutschland

Vorträge 2015

Single DNA molecule trapping by dynamic inhomogeneous temperature fields
M. Braun, A.P. Bregulla, K. Günther, M. Mertig, F. Cichos
601. WE-Heraeus-Seminar: DNA Nanotechnology Meets Plasmonics, 7.-11. Dezember 2015, Bad Honnef, Deutschland
Coulometrische Festelektrolytsensoren - Anwendungen und Fehlerquellen
J. Zosel, M. Schelter, V. Vashook, U. Guth, M. Mertig
12. Dresdner Sensorsymposium, 7.-9. Dezember 2015, Dresden, Deutschland
Langzeitstabile Inline-Messung organischer Säuren zur Beurteilung von Biogasprozessen. Biogas in der Landwirtschaft - Stand und Perspektiven
J. Zosel, M. Schelter, P. Zimmermann, E. Ritzi, B. Habermann, W. Oelßner, M. Mertig
Kongress der KTBL und der FNR, 22.-23.September 2015, Potsdam, Deutschland
Incorporation of calix[4]arenes into sugar-decorated hyperbranched poly(ethylene imine) for sensing of inorganic anions and metal ions
J. Kluge, J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, M. Mertig, B. Voit, D. Appelhans
13th International Conference on Calixarenes, 05.-09. Juli 2015, Giardini-Naxos, Italien
Thermophoretic microswimmers and trapping
M. Mertig, A. Herms, K. Günther, M. Braun, A. P. Bregulla, F. Cichos
4th International Conference on DNA Nanotechnology, 27.-29. Juni 2015, Xi’an, China
In-situ control over the geometric dimensions of DNA origami
M. Mertig, E. Schreyer, M. Wiens, A. Henning, N. Haufe
4th International Conference on DNA Nanotechnology, 27.-29. Juni 2015, Xi’an, China
Photo-crosslinked films of hyberbranched poly (ethylene imine) with sugar shell for sensing inorganic anions and metal ions
J. Schwarz, J. Kluge, D. Appelhans, J. Schwarz, K. Trommer, M. Mertig, B. Voit
European Polymer Congress, 21.-26. Juni 2015, Dresden, Deutschland
Motility of coupled thermophoretic swimmers
K. Günther, A. Bregulla, A. Kick, F. Cichos, M. Mertig
Microswimmers - from bulk to interfaces, 13.-15. Juni 2015, Bordeaux, Frankreich

Vorträge 2014

Towards CNTFET-based biomembrane sensors
M. Mertig, F. Ostermaier, L. Scharfenberg, J. Posseckardt
2014 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, 30. November - 5. Dezember 2014, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Funktionale Schichten auf biologischen Templaten
M. Mertig
22. Neues Dresdner Vakuumtechnisches Kolloquium "Beschichtung, Modifizierung und Charakterisierung von Polymeroberflächen", 12.-13. November 2014, Dresden, Deutschland
Chemical in-situ control over the geometric dimensions of DNA origami
M. Mertig, E. Schreyer, M. Wiens, A. Henning, N. Haufe
20th International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming(DNA20), 22.-25. September 2014, Koyoto, Japan
Bio-H2: Bacteria Produce Hydrogen
N. Haufe, S. Grützner, K. Helbig, G. Hilpmann, R. Illing, J. Hermann, G. Bienert, S. Thierfelder, J. Weber, T. Bley, M. Mertig
Renewable Energy Research Conference (rerc), 16.-18. Juni 2014, Oslo, Norwegen
Electrokinetic Analysis to Reveal Charge, Structure and Biomolecular Interactions of Planar Diffuse Soft Interfaces
R. Zimmermann, S.S. Dukhin, S. Bartsch, J. Posseckardt, U. Freudenberg, M. Mertig, J.F.L. Duval, C. Werner
11th International Symposium on Electrokinetic Phenomena (ELKIN 2014), 20. - 23. Mai 2014, Gent, Belgien
Switchable artificial microswimmers with DNA structures
A. Bregulla, K. Günther, B. Qian, M. Mertig, F. Cichos
DNA-Based Nanotechnology: Digital Chemistry (DNATEC14), International Workshop, 5. - 9. Mai 2014, Dresden, Deutschland
New Chemistry of Metal-Protein Systems: S-Layer Protein Interaction with Copper and Iron under Ultra-High Vacuum
A.A. Makarova, V. S. Neudachina, E.V. Grachova, , L.V. Yashina, A. Blüher, M. Mertig, S.L. Molodtsov, H. Ehrlich, C. Laubschat, D.V. Vyalikh
DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Dresden, 30. März - 4. April 2014

Vorträge 2013

Programmable DNA architectures
M. Mertig, T. Schmidt
Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioanalysis, 28.-29. November 2013, Luckenwalde
Mobile Versuchsanlage zur Ertragssteigerung/Prozessoptimierung von Biogasanlagen (VESBA)
J. Zosel, A. Klockow, M. Schelter, W. Oelßner, R. Winterberg, P. Zimmermann, V. Seela, M. Mertig
5. Statuskonferenz des BMU-Förderprogramms "Energetische Biomassenutzung" - Wege zur effizienten Bioenergie!, Leipzig, 14. November 2013
Biomimetic materials synthesis of second and third generation
M. Mertig
12th International Symposium on Biomineralization, Freiberg, 27.-30. August 2013
Biomimetic materials synthesis
M. Mertig
Raciri Summer School 2013, St. Petersburg (Russia), 17.-25. August 2013
Neue Anwendungen von coulometrisch betriebenen Festelektrolytsensoren
M. Schelter, J. Zosel, W. Oelßner, U. Guth, M. Mertig
Seminar Arbeitskreis Elektrochemie in Sachsen, Jena, 09. Juli 2013
Biomimetic materials synthesis
M. Mertig
EnFi-2013, Hasselt, 8.-9. Juli 2013
Sensoren & Messtechniken im FuE- und Herstellungsprozess und für eine effiziente Energiespeichertechnologie (Monitoring) in der Praxis
B. Krautkremer, J. Zosel, W. Vonau, M. Schelter, W. Oelßner, U. Guth, M. Mertig
Workshop "Sensorik für Erneuerbare Energien und Energieeffizienz", Berlin 12.-13. März 2013

Vorträge 2012

Soft Microorigami: Stimuli-Responsive Self-Folding Polymer Films
L. Ionov, S. Zakharchenko, G. Stoychev, E. Sperling
MRS Proceedings, 2012, vol. 1403
Fiber Grating-Assisted Investigation on Surface Plasmon Resonance of Fiber Cladding Modes
T. Schuster, C.G. Schäffer, M. Mertig, M. Bönsch, D. Plettemeier
Proceedings of Sensors IEEE, pp.862-865, Taipei, Taiwan, 28.-31.Oktober, 2012
Structure Formation of Single-stranded DNA Nanotubes
A. Henning, M. Mertig, P. Fuchsenberger, O.I. Wilner and I. Willner
Deutsche Nucleinsäurechemiegemeinschaft e.V.-Doktorandenseminar, Bad Herrenalb, 1.-2. Oktober, 2012
Beschichtung von Glassubstraten für die enzymatisch unterstützte Genotypisierung
A. Kick, C. Hiller, M. Müller, M. Bönsch, D. Appelhans, M. Jung, M. Mertig
16. Heiligenstädter Kolloquium, Technische Systeme für die Lebenswissenschaften, Heilbad Heiligenstadt, 24.-26. September, 2012
Faseroptischer Sensor zur Detektion biomolekularer Analyten mittels Oberflächenplasmonenresonanz
T. Schuster, C.G. Schäffer, M. Mertig
16. Heiligenstädter Kolloquium, Technische Systeme für die Lebenswissenschaften, Heilbad Heiligenstadt, 24.-26. September, 2012
Structure Formation of Single-stranded DNA Nanotubes
M. Mertig, A. Henning, P. Fuchsenberger, O.I. Wilner and I. Willner
244th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, Philadelphia USA), 19.-23. August, 2012
Single-stranded DNA nanotubes
M. Mertig
Biodesign Institute, Arizona State University, April 2012
Single-stranded DNA nanotubes: The structure formation mechanisms
M. Mertig, P. Fuchsenberger, A. Henning, O.I. Wilner, I. Willner
9th Annual ConferenceFoundations of Nanoscience (FNANO12): Self-Assembled Architectures and Devices, Snowbird, April 2012
Konstruieren mit DNS
M. Mertig
13th Leibniz Conference of Aadvanced Science - Nanoscience 2012, Lichtenwalde, April 2012

Vorträge 2011

New aspects in the hot injection synthesis to provide large scale high quality quantum dots
C. Waurisch, L. Liebscher, E. Sperling, S. G. Hickey, A. Eychmüller
Proceedings of the International Conference Nanomeeting (Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures), 2011, 329-332
A Miniaturized fiber-optic surface-plasmon-resonance sensor
T. Schuster, C.G. Schäffer, M. Mertig
21. Internationale Wissenschaftliche Konferenz Mittweida, Mittweida, 26.-27. Oktober.2011
Studies of Assembly and Deassembly of Collagen
J. Ammenn, V. Bach, N. Haufe, D. Naumburger, M. Mertig
XXXI IULTCS Congress, Valencia (Spanien) 27.-30.September.2011
Hybridisierungskinetik und Massentransport auf DNA-Chips basierend auf Oberflächenplasmonenresonanz
A. Kick, M. Mertig
Vortrags- und Diskussionstagung: Bioverfahrenstechnik an Grenzflächen, Potsdam, 30. Mai - 01. Juni 2011
Oberflächenplasmonenresonanzspektroskopie für die Echtzeitanalyse von DNA-Mikroarrays
A. Kick, M. Bönsch, A. Herr, W. Brabetz, M. Jung, F. Sonntag, M. Mertig
7. Deutsches BioSensor Symposium Heilbad Heiligenstadt, 05. April 2011
Influence of the intercalating fluorescent dye YOYO-1 on DNA properties
K. Günther, R. Seidel, M. Mertig
75. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG Frühjahrstagung Dresden, 13. - 18. März 2011
Directed transport of DNA polymer molecules in micro-and nanochannels
R. Sczech, S. Howitz, M. Mertig
75. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG Frühjahrstagung Dresden, 13. - 18. März 2011
Dielectrophoretic assembly of field-effect transistors using sorted semiconducting carbon nanotubes
J. Posseckardt, Y. Battie, R. Fleurier, M. Mertig
75. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG Frühjahrstagung Dresden, 13. - 18. März 2011
Photochemical tuning of the conductivity of DNA-platinum cluster chains
C. Schuster, T. Härtling, L. Eng, M. Mertig
75. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG Frühjahrstagung Dresden, 13. - 18. März 2011
Contact energy landscapes by means of mobile nanoparticles
U. Queitsch, A. Blüher, A. Hucht, B. Rellinghaus, L. Schultz, M. Mertig
75. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG Frühjahrstagung Dresden, 13. - 18. März 2011
Self-Propelled Thermophoretic Motion of Gold Capped Microparticles
A. Bregulla, M. Selmke, R. Seidel, M. Mertig, K. Kroy, F. Cichos
75. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG Frühjahrstagung Dresden, 13. - 18. März 2011
Biomimetische Synthese hybrider Nanostrukturen
M. Mertig
GDCh-Kolloquien im Januar 2011, Ortsverband Dresden

Vorträge 2010

Nachweis von DNA- und Proteininteraktionen auf dem SPR-Biochip
W. Brabetz, S. Begemann, M. Bönsch, A. Herr, A. Kick, U. Klotzbach, S. Lehmann, K. Loewenbrück, M. Mertig, S.Pönschen, N. Schilling, F. Sonntag, M. Storch, C. Thiede, J. Voigt, G. Vollmer, J. Wober, M. Jung
7. Max-Bergmann-Symposium, Dresden, 16. November 2010
Nachweis von DNA- und Proteininteraktionen auf dem SPR-Biochip
W. Brabetz, S. Begemann, M. Bönsch, A. Herr, A. Kick, U. Klotzbach, S. Lehmann, K. Loewenbrück, M. Mertig, S.Pönschen, N. Schilling, F. Sonntag, M. Storch, C. Thiede, J. Voigt, G. Vollmer, J. Wober, M. Jung
7. Max-Bergmann-Symposium, Dresden, 16. November 2010
Biologische Sensorbeschichtung
M. Mertig
EFDS-Workshop "Organische dünne Schichten - Grundlagen und Anwendungen", Dresden, Oktober 2010
SPR Plattformtechnologie zur Multi-Parameter-Analyse auf polymeren Chips
N. Danz, F. Sonntag, A. Kick, S. Schmieder, B. Höfer, U. Klotzbach, M. Mertig
15. Heiligenstädter Kolloquium "Technische Systeme für die Lebenswissenschaften", Heilbad Heiligenstadt, September 2010
Thermische Fluktuationen von DNA-Molekülen in mikrofluidischen Kanälen
K. Günther, M. Mertig
15. Heiligenstädter Kolloquium "Technische Systeme für die Lebenswissenschaften", Heilbad Heiligenstadt, September 2010
Electrophoretic transport of DNA polymers in micro- and nanofluidic PDMS channels
R. Sczech, M. Mertig
Trends in Nanotechnology International conference, Braga (Portugal), September 2010
Microfluidic PDMS channels for the investigation of diffusion and electrophoretic trapping of DNA polymers
R. Sczech, M. Mertig
6th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids, Paris (Frankreich), Juli 2010
Bridging the Gap between Nano and Micro by Self-Assembly
M. Mertig
SALVE Seminar, Universität Ulm, April 2010
Statistical-mechanical behaviour of DNA duplexes in shear flow
K. Günther, M. Mertig
DFG Priority Program SPP 1164 , Nano- & Microfluidics, Norderney, Februar 2010




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