PRIORITY PROGRAM “Porous Metal-Organic Frameworks”
Coordinator & Contact
Projects and
Participants - Part I
Projects and
Participants - Part II
Topical Workshop 2009
MOF Modelling for PhD students
Kickoff meeting 2009
Topical Workshop 2010
Adsorption and Diffusion in MOFs for PhD students
MOF 2010 - Marseille
Meeting after MOF 2010 -
Workshop "MOF Synthesis and
Structure London 2010"
2. Assessment SPP 1362
in Dresden 2011
Topical Workshop "Catalysis"
for PhD students Stuttgart
International Symposium on
Metal-Organic Frameworks
2011 in Dresden
Workshop "MOFs for industrial
applications Bergamo 2011"
Topical Workshop "MOF-Based
Chemical Sensors" München 2012
MOF Status Report Meeting
2012 - Dresden
International MOF Symposium
2013 - Dresden
Chair of Inorganic Chemistry I
Overview of granted projects - Part II
New Functional Metal-Organic Frameworks for (Enantio)selective Catalysis and Separation
Consortium: |
Professor Dr. Eike Brunner, Dresden
University of Technology Dresden
Department of Chemistry and Food Chemistry
Chair of Bioanalytical Chemistry
Professor Dr. Frank Glorius, Münster
University of Münster
Institute of Organic Chemistry
Professor Dr. Stefan Kaskel, Dresden
University of Technology Dresden
Department of Chemistry and Food Chemistry
Chair of Inorganic Chemistry I
Professor Dr.-Ing. Elias Klemm, Stuttgart
University of Stuttgart
Institute of Technical Chemistry
Project: |
New Functional Metal-Organic Frameworks for (Enantio)selective Catalysis and Separation
Abstract: |
Limited natural resources and an increasing demand for enantiomerically pure compounds render catalysis, and especially asymmetric catalysis, to be a key technology. Although the field of asymmetric catalysis has been dominated for a long time by homogeneous catalysis because of the excellent selectivity and activity obtained, heterogeneous catalysts can offer even more than facile separation or recycling. It has been shown that activity and selectivity comparing favourably with homogeneous catalysts can be obtained and novel, efficient reaction mechanisms can be employed to solve remaining synthetic problems.
The modular de novo construction of chiral MOFs was demonstrated by the consortium in the first phase to be ideal for the integration of catalytically active (chiral) functions. In order to enhance the enantioselectivity in asymmetric catalysis and demonstrate chiral separation using the principles developed so far, an interdisciplinary cooperation between organic chemists (chiral linker synthesis), inorganic chemists (MOF synthesis), analytic chemists (NMR characterization) and technical chemists (chromatographic separation) will provide the complementary expertise needed to demonstrate high enantioselectivity by the rational integration of strong interactions towards the substrate. In the second phase of the project, the consortium will test the applicability of the MOFs achieved in a wider range of separation applications and catalytic transformation of fine chemicals.
Results: |

Publications: |
N. Klein, H. C. Hoffmann, A. Cadiau, J. Getzschmann, M. R. Lohe, S. Paasch, T. Heydenreich, K. Adil, I. Senkovska, E. Brunner, S. Kaskel
"Structural flexibility and intrinsic dynamics in the M2(2,6-ndc)2(dabco) (M = Ni, Cu, Co, Zn) metal-organic frameworks"
J. Mat. Chem. 2012, 22, 10303.
I. M. Hauptvogel, V. Bon, R. Grunker, I. A. Baburin, I. Senkovska, U. Mueller, S. Kaskel
"A family of 2D and 3D coordination polymers involving a trigonal tritopic linker"
Dalton Trans. 2012, 41, 4172.
Project Assistant

Phone: +49 351 463-33632
Fax: +49 351 463-37287

Bergstraße 66,
Neubau Chemische Institute,
Zi. 462
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TU Dresden
Fachrichtung Chemie
und Lebensmittelchemie

Professur für Anorganische Chemie I

01062 Dresden
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Fachrichtung Chemie
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01069 Dresden