PRIORITY PROGRAM “Porous Metal-Organic Frameworks”
Coordinator & Contact
Projects and
Participants - Part I
Projects and
Participants - Part II
Topical Workshop 2009
MOF Modelling for PhD students
Kickoff meeting 2009
Topical Workshop 2010
Adsorption and Diffusion in MOFs for PhD students
MOF 2010 - Marseille
Meeting after MOF 2010 -
Workshop "MOF Synthesis and
Structure London 2010"
2. Assessment SPP 1362
in Dresden 2011
Topical Workshop "Catalysis"
for PhD students Stuttgart
International Symposium on
Metal-Organic Frameworks
2011 in Dresden
Workshop "MOFs for industrial
applications Bergamo 2011"
Topical Workshop "MOF-Based
Chemical Sensors" München 2012
MOF Status Report Meeting
2012 - Dresden
International MOF Symposium
2013 - Dresden
Chair of Inorganic Chemistry I
Overview of granted projects - Part I
Fundamental host-guest interactions in porous metal organic frameworks. A combined experimental and theoretical approach
Consortium: |
Privatdozent Dr. Rochus Schmid, Bochum
Ruhr University of Bochum
Chair of Inorganic Chemistry II
Privatdozent Dr. Frank Stallmach, Leipzig
University of Leipzig
Institute of Experimental Physics
Department of Surface Physics
Project: |
Fundamental host-guest interactions in porous metal organic frameworks. A combined experimental and theoretical approach
Abstract: |
The main goal of the joint research project of two young scientists in Leipzig and Bochum is to reveal fundamental
aspects of host-guest interactions in porous MOFs by providing reliable and accurate self-diffusion coefficients for a variety of frameworks and
guest molecules using a combined experimental and theoretical approach. The work is based on PFG NMR and MD simulation methods, established
previously by the two project partners. A first area of research in the joint project are methodological improvements including the development of MAS
PFG NMR and diffusion-correleation NMR with high pulsed field gradientsand the derivation of a consistent molecular mechanics forcefield for various
MOF systems using a new automated parametrization technique. In a second area, these methods are used to investigate the diffusivity of a range of
guest molecules (including multi-component systems) in standard MOFs in detail. In a third application area, selected MOFs from external partners
within the SPP are investigated including macroscopic transport in formulated MOFs.
Results: |
The concentration and temperature dependence of the self-diffusion of hydrocarbons adsorbed in
different metal-organic frameworks is studied by pulsed field gradient (PFG) NMR spectroscopy and MD simulations. By combining
experiment and computer simulation the models describing the host-guest interaction in MOF's are validated and improved. Results
for benzene and n-alkanes in MOF-5 and in CuBTC show that predictions of mobilities by MD simulations and experimental NMR data
generally agree in the low loading range but deviate from each other in concentration dependence at higher loadings.
Publications: |
Saeed Amirjalayer and Rochus Schmid
"Mechanism of benzene diffusion in MOF-5: A molecular dynamics investigation"
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials Volume 125, Issues 1-2, 1 October 2009, Pages 90-96 Special Issue: "Diffusion in Micropores" |
Maxim Tafipolsky, Saeed Amirjalayer and Rochus Schmid
"Atomistic theoretical models for nanoporous hybrid materials"
DOI:10.1016/j.micromeso.2009.07.006 |
M. Wehring, J. Gascon, D. Dubbeldam, F. Kapteijn, R. Q. Snurr, and F. Stallmach
"Self-Diffusion Studies in CuBTC by PFG NMR and MD Simulations"
J. Phys. Chem. C 2010, 114, 10527–10534. |
M. Gratz, St. Hertel, M. Wehring, S. Schlayer, F. Stallmach, and P. Galvosas
"P. MAS PFG NMR Studies of mixtures in porous materials"
in Proceedings of the 10th International Bologna Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media (MRPM10), including the 10th Colloquium on Mobile
Magnetic Resonance (CMMR10), 2011, in press |
St. Hertel, M. Wehring, S. Amirjalayer, M. Gratz, J. Lincke, H. Krautscheid, R. Schmid, and Frank Stallmach
"NMR studies of benzene mobility in metal-organic framework MOF-5"
Euopean Physics Journal -- Applied Physics, submitted (2010). |
M. Gratz, St. Hertel, M. Wehring, F. Stallmach and P. Galvosas
"MAS PFG NMR studies of mixtures in MOF-5"
New Journal of Physics, submitted (2010).
Project Assistant

Phone: +49 351 463-33632
Fax: +49 351 463-37287

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